John 8:31-59
NIV (vv31-32) – ‘To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’
ESV (vv31-32) – ‘So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’
We are told that we are living in a free world, and yet for the believer the freedoms that we have so long enjoyed are slowly being curtailed by those who are in civic and political authority and it isn’t always plainly obvious, but it is introduced through various means such as political correctness, where the rights of every individual are claimed to be upheld . . . unless you abide by the truth which is not only Jesus himself but also his words, including the Word of God, allowing it to governing your life with godly principles, upright morality and righteousness, then those who promote tolerance are reluctant to show tolerance toward you.
But the reality is that even when the world seeks to bind or gag the believer, and despise righteousness, we are the ones who are truly living in real freedom, for we have been set free from the snare of sin and the control of Satan and as we discovered yesterday we have been brought out of the kingdom of darkness and brought into the kingdom of light, a kingdom where we come under the authority of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, and his name is Jesus, and there is no greater authority and rule than his, true freedom comes through the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and his Lordship, his rule in our lives and linked to this is our continuing to know or to live in freedom by living according to his word or his teaching.
There are many around the world today who are imprisoned because of their faith, or restricted in their celebration of and living out their faith because of the hostility toward Christianity in a Communist regime, or nations under the control of Islam etc. and yet in their imprisonment they the persecuted believers are living in true freedom because of the eternal hope that has been set within them. We in the western world need to be earnestly praying for our brothers and sisters who are found in such hostile environments and at the same time pray that the erosion of our freedom to celebrate our faith will not continue, but rather be turned around for the glory of God.
Linked in with this, over the last few days there has been much debate over the restrictions that have been put in place, forbidding gatherings which has and still affects the gathering of Churches. There are those who are to the one side seeing it as a political attempt to gag the Church and yet fail to realise or want to overlook that at the same time other forms of mass gatherings are forbidden, and to the other side those who see it has a necessary means for the Church to play its part in the efforts to minimise the spread of the virus. We need to be careful how we react and allow the virus pandemic to eventually reach a level where we can safely open and then ensure that any other means of Government interference or enforcement is not that which would be seen as a definite effort to silence the Christian witness. We are living in unprecedented times, but we can rest knowing who we are in Christ, living in his freedom and abiding by his Word, which is truth.