
Devotion January 25th


Psalm 119:16

ESV (v16) – ‘I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.’

Today’s devotion is a very simple plea, in the previous devotion I mentioned the importance of ‘hiding the Word’ in our hearts. It will only happen if we heed what the verse I have chosen today says. ‘I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.’

I have a certain number of tablets that I need to take every morning and evening owing to Crohn’s disease and guess what, I regularly forget about them, it is only because Elaine reminds me that I do take them every day! 

I wonder how often we ‘forget’ or ‘neglect’ to read the Word of God every day? We get so busy with everything else that God’s Word isn’t considered to be as important as everything else that we fill up our day with. Yes, we can catch up on the social media, that is a must, we can catch up on the news, the TV gossip and soaps, we can ensure that everything else is followed to the jot and tittle and yet ‘forget’ or ‘neglect’ God’ Word. 

The psalmist delighted so much in the Word of God that he ensured that he didn’t forget it, in the previous devotion I talked about forgetting it regarding our trying to remember it, today it is all about our forgetting it due to our neglect of reading it.

May we always hold the Word of God as not only valuable in our lives but also as essential, as essential as the air we breathe, for in it are found the words of life, may my devotion today be like Elaine’s reminder to me, ‘Don’t forget your tablets.’ I say, ‘Don’t forget your daily medicine, a daily dose of the written Word of God.’


Devotion January 24th


Psalm 119:9-16 (ESV) – Section Two – Hebrew – BETH

‘How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments!

I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. Blessed are you, O LORD; teach me your statutes! With my lips I declare all the rules of your mouth. In the way of your testimonies I delight as much as in all riches.

I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.’

I mentioned a few devotions earlier about the young girl who had sought to memorize Psalm119, I wonder how many times we have sought to memorize portions of Scripture? I remember having to learn the section in Luke 10 on the parable of the Good Samaritan, (vv25-37) I did manage it, but would fail miserably if I tried to recite it now, I have made other attempts, I recall a time when I was reading through the Ephesian epistle multiple times with the hope of memorising it, but I failed. But even though I may not be able to recall word for word, something happened in that the Word of God has become hidden or as this psalm says, ‘stored up in my heart’ and time and time again, I have found that while preparing ministry, or devotions, or in conversation, the Word that has been stored in my heart comes to memory and can be used and quoted.

From our verses today we discover that the Word that has been read, meditated upon, or maybe memorised, becomes like a guard in our hearts and lives and helps to govern the way that we live, it helps to stop us from sinning against God, it governs our conscience and triggers spiritual awareness.

This is one of the reasons why our regular reading of the Word of God is important and essential to our Christian growth and maturity, for God speaks to us through it, he reveals his will to us through it and he shows us exactly how he wants us to be as his Children as we live in obedience to him.

Through these devotions around this psalm my prayer is that we will have a greater love for the Word of God, so that as we turn to it, perhaps more frequently to what we have been doing so, that we may find it being stored in our hearts.

Some animals, creatures spend the summer and autumn months storing food so that they can return to it in the winter months to have as a food source, to replenish and give energy, to keep them going till springtime appears again.

I have witnessed time and time again, with older Christians, those who have stored up the Word of God in their hearts, and when the winter of their life has come, perhaps they can no longer read etc. and what has been stored comes back to them, and they can quote it because they have lived by it. The stored Word gives them spiritual energy. May none of us be lacking in our later years because we have failed to store up in our earlier years the life and energy that is to be found in God’s Word.


Devotion January 20th



Psalm 119:1-8


While going through this Psalm, I will only use the ESV as I quote verses.


ESV (vv1-8) – Section One – Hebrew – ALEPH


‘Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the LORD! Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart, who also do no wrong, but walk in his ways!


You have commanded your precepts to be kept diligently. Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your statutes! Then I shall not be put to shame, having my eyes fixed on all your commandments.


I will praise you with an upright heart, when I learn your righteous rules. I will keep your statutes; do not utterly forsake me!’


This Psalm commences with the same word as the first Psalm, ‘Blessed’ (1:1) Both Psalms remind us that there is a blessedness linked to the Word of God and our obedience toward it.


In the first psalm it is concerning our love and devotion toward the Word rather than a love or devotion toward the things of the world, instead of walking, standing or sitting with those who scorn the things of God, we choose instead to delight in the ways of God and in his Word, we choose to meditate daily upon it and know that as a result we will be blessed, we will be like trees that are planted by streams of water, rooted and well fed.


In this the 119th psalm, it has a similar tone in that the ‘blessed’ person is the one who chooses to walk in the law of the LORD, allowing the Word to enable us to walk blamelessly in this world in which we are passing through as strangers and pilgrims on our way to the heavenly city. We choose to keep his testimonies and we choose to seek the LORD God with our whole heart.


The author says that God has commanded that his precepts be kept diligently, we cannot to choose to obey one day and then ignore the next, we need to have a consistency in our walk with God and in our love and obedience for his Word.


We have discovered that the Word of God is referenced with many different words or phrases which we looked at yesterday, but for today, for each one of us reading this devotion how about we renew our love toward the Word of God and our commitment to its place and priority in our lives as his children. This is one sure way toward being blessed, for this is the promise in the opening verses, ‘Blessed are those who keep his testimonies.’


Devotion December 29th


Psalm 107

Scriptures in devotion.

I want to continue in this psalm again today because yesterday I highlighted the plight of the sinner, today I want to highlight what God did for them after they cried out to him.

In verse 6 they cried, and it continues in v7 ‘He led them by a straight way till they reached a city to dwell in.’ and verse 9 ‘For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things.’ This is the good news of the gospel, as we cry out to the Lord in desperation of soul, he comes, and he puts our feet on a straight path, yes, it may be a narrow path, but it leads to life everlasting, it leads to a heavenly city where we will eternally dwell, and while walking this path God satisfies the longing soul. It was Jesus who said to those listening to him on the mountain side, ‘Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied’. Men and women will never know what true satisfaction is until they come and fully surrender their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ, maybe you are reading this today and you are seeking to get satisfaction in life, and you are trying anything and everything except Jesus, turn to him today, allow him to come and give you purpose and release the potential that God has planted within you.

In verse 13 they cried and verse 14 continues to say, ‘He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death and burst their bonds apart’ and verse 16 ‘For he shatters the doors of bronze and cuts in two the bars of iron.’ Again, it was Jesus who said while reading from the prophet Isaiah in the synagogue, ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.”’ God is able to deliver and set the captives free, Jesus blood can make the foulest clean, he is able to break the chains of addiction, he is able to release the oppressed and possessed, for there is power at work in his redeeming grace, the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who refuse to believe but when an individual responds by faith it releases the power of God not only to save but also to set free. It was Charles Wesley who wrote the words of the wonderful song, Jesus, the Name high over all, the second verse reads:

He breaks the power of cancelled sin,

And sets the prisoner free;

His blood can make the foulest clean,

His blood avails for me.

His blood avails, it is still as powerful as it was when he shed it at Calvary, it still breaks the bonds and sets the captives free. Free from guilt, free from addiction, free from bondage.

Jesus, the prisoner’s fetter breaks,

And bruises Satan’s head,

Power into strengthless souls he speaks,

And life unto the dead.


Daily Devotion April 25th


Psalm 34

V18 ‘The LORD is near to the broken hearted and saves the crushed in Spirit.’

We are many weeks into a period of uncertainty, a period the like of none of us have never been through before on such a large scale. To date (25th) There are 2.7m confirmed cases of Covid-19 world-wide, with 195,920 deaths. In the UK 143,464 cases and there have been 19,506 deaths. Thankfully many have and are recovered or are recovering.

Death has come suddenly, almost with either very little or no warning. Yes, we all know that we will die one day, but out of these present figures so many will have died unexpectedly, that is one of the reasons why the authorities have put in place many procedures to try to halt the spread and to eventually, hopefully wipe it out.

The Bible tells us that death has come as a result of the entrance of sin into the world. Death is no respecter of persons, it comes to all, and not always when we are old in age, sadly it calls from every age group. Any death is a sad time, any funeral service is a place where we would rather not attend. One of the saddest I’ve attended was when a previous school friend of our daughter died of Meningitis. She was just 11 years old, we had moved away, but for our daughter we travelled the 275 miles back to Great Cornard, Suffolk to enable her to join with all the other class-mates at the funeral, it was such a heart-breaking time. After the funeral I had a conversation with the vicar who I knew from our time living there, and he confided with me with some news that only he and his wife knew at the time, of which they were not disclosing yet owing to the events of the day. That same morning before he had had to officiate at the funeral, their own daughter just a few years old had been diagnosed with cancer, sadly just a year or two later, their daughter had also died. At the other end of the extreme I went to a funeral around the same time of an aunt of mine, she was 101.

We don’t like to talk about death, but we need to constantly remind ourselves as believers that we have as we considered on Tuesday, a Shepherd who is with us. But there is something else that we are reminded about in our Scripture today, the Shepherd also comes near to the broken hearted. Picture this: as the Shepherd is going through the valley of the shadow of death with a dying soul, transporting them into his eternal presence and home, he is at the very same time drawing close to the bereaved to minister to their broken-heartedness. What a wonderful Shepherd we have.

We can know a broken heart in many ways, it can come through a relationship breakdown, it can be as a result of devastating news but more commonly as already mentioned, we know broken-heartedness at the loss of a loved one when death has come and taken them. And many are experiencing this at this moment, the whole world over. There are many broken-hearted people in this world today. Death is awful in that it brings separation, as a loved one is taken, but perhaps it is made even the more difficult today in that we are constantly being reminded that such is the risk of contamination, that loved ones are sadly being left to die alone. Couples who may have been together for many years, unable to embrace, hold hands and to be a comfort to each other because of the potential and dangerous risk of getting the virus.

We can take many steps to help in this period, we can pray, we can ensure we follow the guidelines, we can ring, encourage etc. but we can also be the means through which the healing of the broken heart can take place as we allow God to use us to minister his grace to any that we know who may be hurting. Not just as a result of the virus, but any that are going through a period of loss. Elaine and I lost three of our parents in a month, three funerals in the space of 27 days, and we thank God that while we were grieving there were many in our Church family who were praying for us, getting in touch with us and just being there for us, but above all we thank God that our Shepherd was with us helping to heal our broken-heartedness.

In the New Testament, we read of the moment when Jesus arrived at the grave of Lazarus, even though he knew what he was about to do, he connected with the broken-heartedness of the two sisters and he wept. We must and should never be afraid of tears, again the Scripture says that when one rejoices, we rejoice with them, when one suffers, we suffer with them. We need to learn the art of connecting and caring! The need to enter what another person is going through, to be able to give them succour and support.

In Isaiah 61:1-2 we read ‘The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favour.’

In Luke 4, Jesus stood up in the temple and took the Scroll of the prophet Isaiah and when he found these verses, he read them out concluding at the end, ‘Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.’

Yes, Jesus came to be the Saviour, he came to seek and to save the lost, he came to reconcile and to redeem, he came to give abundant and eternal life. But, among so many other things as well he came to bind up, or to heal the broken hearted.

The Psalm for today, is a reasonably well-known Psalm, meditate upon it, but if at this moment are down-hearted or broken-hearted allow the Saviour to lift you up, allow him to replace your sorrow with joy.

Psalm 147:3 ‘He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds.’

He gives beauty for ashes

Strength for fear

Gladness for mourning

Peace for despair

When sorrow seems to surround you

When suffering hangs heavy o’er your head

Know that tomorrow brings

Wholeness and healing

God knows your need

Just believe what He said

He gives beauty for ashes

Strength for fear

Gladness for mourning

Peace for despair

When what you’ve done keeps you from moving on

When fear wants to make itself at home in your heart

Know that forgiveness brings

Wholeness and healing

God knows your need

Just believe what He said

I once was lost but God has found me

Though I was bound I’ve been set free

I’ve been made righteous in His sight

A display of His splendor all can see



Daily Devotion April 22nd

Wednesday 22nd

Psalm 42

In this Psalm we have the narrative of an individual who it seems to use a modern phrase to be ‘down in the dumps’ spiritually. He seems to be low in spirit, we see this in verses 5 and verse 11 ‘Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me?’

I think that we would all admit that sometime or other we have found ourselves in this place. Maybe more often than we would like to admit, we may have gone through a trying experience, we may have been faced with difficult circumstances, it may have been sickness, unemployment, feelings of rejection, the loss of someone, a marriage problem, the list could almost be endless and during those moments which seem to last for eternity we have gotten into a place of hopelessness and of feeling that it’s never going to end. Depression sets in, both an emotional and a spiritual depression and we find ourselves where the psalmist is, cast down, with an inner turmoil. In verses 9-10, the psalmist even questions the presence of God – have you been there? – maybe you are in that place at the moment – note what he says, ‘I say to God, my rock: “Why have you forgotten me?” he then gives us a little detail about what has caused his downcast soul, “Why do I go mourning because of the oppression of the enemy? As with a deadly wound in my bones, my adversaries taunt me, while they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?”’

In the middle of his turmoil, depression, whichever label we want to give it, he feels that God has forgotten him. He feels all alone, he feels trapped within himself. Possibly thinking that his whole world was going to collapse in upon him or all around him, but, there is a glimmer of hope, even though his soul is downcast, even though he feels that God has forgotten him, the glimmer of hope is there like a flickering candle burning its last bit of wick, and twice he says ‘Hope in God, for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.’ (verses 5 and 11). His focus was turning from his hopelessness to the certainty of God’s help.

The spark would return, the joy would return, the hopelessness would be replaced with hope again, the turmoil will be replaced with peace again, the depression will lift and his spirit would soar again, because however deep into depression he went, even though he felt he’d been forgotten by God, he still clung onto God, even if from his point of view it may only have been by his finger-tips. For God was there, God hadn’t forgotten him.

Yesterday we considered Psalm 23 and the confidence we have that the Good Shepherd will be with us as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, can I suggest to you today, that the same Good Shepherd will also be with you if you ever have to walk through the valley of depression, and if you are walking through that valley at this moment of time, there is hope, there is a way out, keep clinging onto the Shepherd.

My intention for todays devotion was actually to deal with verses 1-3, but as you can see I’ve not done that, somehow, and I can only believe it was the prompting of the Spirit the devotion has become what it is. I have a very strong conviction that God wants to speak into someone’s life, maybe that someone is you, you are struggling in the pit of depression, understand this, God is there and he wants to lift you up and bring you out. Reach out. Instead of clinging on with the tips of your fingers, place your hand firmly in His hand, it is a strong hand, it is a hand that will not let you go, it is a hand that wants to lead you forward into all that he has planned for you. Take the psalmists words and apply it to your own life, ‘Hope in God; for I shall praise him, my salvation, my God.’

The opening verses (verses 1-4) are the psalmist’s prayer, he wants his desire for God, for the things of God and for the house of God to be re-ignited again. Sometimes it is when we take our focus off God and of who he is that we begin to lose our way. Going through the period of time that we are at present, with restrictions upon us in regard to fellowshipping together, it would be easy to lose our focus, easy to start feeling sorry for ourselves, easy to get into a routine that will be difficult to break when the restrictions are over, may each one of us, be resolute to keep our focus on God, on the things of God and with a determined desire to be found in the house of God when we are able once again to go.

I was going to originally link this Psalm to another Psalm, 63, but I will close todays devotion with the opening verses, ‘O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory.  Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands.’

A few weeks ago, I was preparing to speak on the hands of Jesus and a song that I discovered at the time blessed me, so I will include it here as my hymn for the day. Feeling hopeless and lost? Place your hand in His hand.

Put your hand in the hand of the man

Who stilled the water

Put your hand in the hand of the man

Who calmed the sea

Take a look at yourself

And you can look at others differently

Put your hand in the hand of the man

From Galilee

When Jesus came into this world to bring salvation,

He grew up in a town with a bad reputation

And he walked among the common people who lived in galilee

And he knows all the troubles of a people like a you and a me

Put your hand

Now there’s more to the story that we can ever understand

Jesus was God in the flesh while walking this land

And he came to die and to rise again to take our fears away

So that we can live with peace and joy everyday

Unknown, Adapted Caroll Roberson CCLI 788682


Daily Devotion April 21st


Psalm 23

I wonder going back to what I suggested on Sunday morning about listing seven of the Psalms, how many put Psalm 23 down? It is possibly one of the most well known and used Psalms and possibly most used portion of Scripture alongside ‘The Lord’s Prayer.’

And yet the reality is that so many who have used it whether at a wedding, funeral etc. do not actually know the Lord, let alone know him as their Shepherd. See it is a nice psalm, it speaks of nice things, but to know it’s benefits we need to know in a personal way the Shepherd it is referring to.

Can we truly say today that we know the Shepherd so that we can say ‘The LORD is my Shepherd?’

What are the benefits of knowing this Shepherd?

To list them:

We will not want

We lie in green pastures

We are led by still waters

Our soul is restored

We are led in the paths of righteousness

When we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will not fear evil

The Shepherd is with us

His rod and staff comfort us

There is a table prepared before us in the presence of our enemies

Our head is anointed with oil

Goodness and mercy follow us – all the days of our life

We will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

The Psalm covers our pilgrimage as we walk with the Shepherd through life from our getting to know him as our Saviour, that is, our walk with him in the present, and his being with us as we pass through death and into eternity.

In Johns gospel, Jesus says that he is a Shepherd, he uses another word to describe what kind of Shepherd he is – ‘I am the GOOD Shepherd. (John 10:11) In the epistles he is also described as the Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:4) and as the Great Shepherd. (Hebrews 13:12).

If the LORD is the Shepherd then it also means that we who claim to belong to the Shepherd must be sheep, and not just any sheep but HIS sheep. In Isaiah 53:6 we read ‘All we like sheep have gone astray’ but 2 Peter 2:25 says ‘For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.’  In Psalm 100, one of the songs the Children of Israel sang includes the line, ‘We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture’ thank God because the Good Shepherd came to seek and to save the lost we can now also declare that we are his people and the sheep of his pasture. ‘I was lost, but Jesus found me, Found the sheep that went astray, threw His loving arms around me, drew me back into His way.’

We are familiar with the parable of the lost sheep, (Luke 15:1-7) that parable speaks of where we all were, lost, until Jesus came looking for us and found us and saved us. Perhaps there may be someone reading this today and you are still lost, you are still like a sheep that has gone astray, today you can come in repentance and know forgiveness of sin and be brought into the fold of the Good Shepherd. It was after hearing the parable of the Good Shepherd being preached one Sunday evening that I came to give my life to Jesus.

In deciding what to bring from this Psalm I decided upon v4 ‘Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.’

There are as we noted in the devotion on Sunday 19th April, many blessings attached to knowing Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. This verse, Psalm 23:4 speaks of one of the most comforting blessings that come from knowing the Lord as our Shepherd. To summarize it ‘when we are faced with death be it our own or that of someone who is close to us, we do not need to fear any evil, we do not need to be afraid, and two reasons,

1) Because the Shepherd who hung on the cross for us, the Shepherd who came looking for us, the Shepherd who is walking with us every day will still be with us as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death. He made a promise that I will never leave you, even unto the end of the age and he is a promise keeper he will never leave us not even in the dark valley of death.

2) Because the Shepherd who is going to walk through that valley with us, has already been through it himself, and the good news is that by going through the valley of death himself, he conquered it, he destroyed its power. And here is some exciting news, in the book of Revelation we read that John the Apostle saw the risen Christ, our Shepherd, and as he looked upon him, it says, ‘he fell as if he was dead,’ but the Shepherd touched him and gave him some brilliant and exciting news; ‘Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive for evermore.’ Now if Jesus had stopped there that itself would be awesome, but he didn’t stop there, he continued with more amazing news that should bring us comfort and a realisation that we do not need to fear death. What did he say? ‘AND I HAVE THE KEYS OF DEATH AND HADES.’ (Revelation 1) What does this mean for us?

It means that the keyholder of death will have those keys with him as we walk through the valley, therefore we need not fear because he also has the power to grant eternal life to all who have believed on his name. I like to picture walking through the valley of the shadow of death and Jesus is walking with me and every time a door appears with death written upon it, he rattles it and says to me, ‘look it’s locked and I’ve got the key’ and when we get to the other end there is a door that says ‘life’ and he opens it and he takes me through it and into his eternal presence. 

When it comes to the valley of the shadow of death it is something we have no choice over, one day we will all have to walk through it, but be encouraged as I have often said we may fear the way that we will die, its natural as we don’t want to suffer or go through pain, but we don’t need to fear death itself, this is why this Psalm is such a comfort to the believer.

 Sadly, many are dying at this time, we often hear that many are having to die alone, and we need to pray that in their final moments that men and women will cry out to God for mercy and salvation.

I have a Shepherd, One I love so well;

how He has blessed me tongue can never tell;

on the Cross He suffered, shed His blood and died,

that I might ever in His love confide.

Following Jesus, ever day by day,

nothing can harm me when He leads the way;

darkness or sunshine, whate’er befall,

Jesus, the Shepherd, is my All in All.

Pastures abundant doth His hand provide,

still waters flowing ever at my side,

goodness and mercy follow on my track,

with such a Shepherd nothing can I lack.

When I would wander from the path astray,

then He will draw me back into the way;

in the darkest valley I need fear no ill,

for He, my Shepherd, will be with me still.

When labour’s ended and the journey done,

then He will lead me safely to my home;

there I shall dwell in rapture sure and sweet,

with all the loved ones gathered round His feet

Leonard Weaver CCLI 788682