TUESDAY 5th – Psalm 66
This whole chapter before us today is a chapter of celebration. The Psalmist is celebrating who God is and what he has done, and he invites the world to join in with him – ‘Shout for joy to God, all the earth . . . say to God, ‘How awesome are your deeds!’’ (vv1-2) In verse 5 he invites all the earth to come and to see what God has done, ‘he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man’. Later in verse 16 he personalises Gods goodness towards himself, ‘Come and hear, all ye who fear God, and I will tell you what he has done for my soul.’
The psalmist is excited about the goodness of God in general toward mankind, and equally excited about his own experience of the goodness of God and he thinks it is something worth celebrating. ‘I cried to him with my mouth, and high praise was on my tongue.’ (v17) High praise or high praises are mentioned again in a later Psalm, another Psalm that encourages to celebrate in worship, Psalm 149:6 ‘Let the high praises of God be in their throats.’ (KJV mouths) In the cluster of Psalms here, the celebration is one of exuberance and joy before the Lord. Psalm 148 invites everything and everyone to get involved in celebrating and praising the Lord, The heavens, the heights, the angels, the hosts, sun, moon, stars, great sea creatures, even the weather, (v8) mountains and hills, trees, beasts and animals, creepy crawlies and birds, kings, princes, rulers and all people – praise the name of the LORD, for his name alone is exalted, his majesty is above earth and heaven. (v13) In Psalm 150 the celebration of praise to the Lord is expected to take place with the accompaniment of instruments, lute, harp, tambourine, strings, pipes, sounding cymbals and loud clashing cymbals and with dance! What a celebration of praise, and why? Because the Lord is worthy.
Our times of worship should be times of celebration as we come to acknowledge the greatness of God, the goodness of God and the grace of God.
He is great – ‘Great is the LORD and GREATLY to be praised’ Psalm 48:1, Psalm 145:3, (my paraphrase ‘Great is the LORD and GREATLY to be celebrated’) the same chapter (Psalm 48) ends with ‘that you may tell to the next generation that this is God, our God forever and ever. He will guide us forever.’ (v13-14) He is great in his steadfast love (Psalm103:11) and great in his faithfulness (Lamentations 3:23) Surely his GREATNESS is worth celebrating.
He is good – Psalm 86:5 ‘For you, O LORD are GOOD and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you.’ Psalm 145:9 ‘The LORD is GOOD to all, and his mercy is over all that he has made.’ Surely Gods GOODNESS is worth celebrating.
He is gracious – Psalm 103:8 ‘The LORD is merciful and GRACIOUS, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.’ Psalm 145:8 ‘The LORD is GRACIOUS and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.’ His GRACIOUSNESS is worth celebrating.
Once this pandemic is over, there will be a lot of rejoicing and celebrating, there will be parties as families and friends are reunited, perhaps not having seen each other for many weeks, or possibly months, there will be many who during this time will have come close to death and they will want to rejoice because of the second chance they have received. I guess that we will be rejoicing and celebrating and why not, but the first priority must be to have the high praises of God on our lips, to be coming with joyful and celebratory hearts to the house of the Lord to give thanks from grateful hearts. Celebrating our God who is a Great God, a Good God and a Gracious God who has saved us and kept us from harm. I am looking forward to hearing Iain with the guitar and Tim on the piano, calling us to praise and worship, and I’m looking forward to hearing all of our voices blending together as we worship the LORD with grateful hearts.
Come on and celebrate
His gift of love, we will celebrate
The Son of God who loved us
And gave us life
We’ll shout Your praise, O King
You give us joy nothing else can bring
We’ll give to You our offering
In celebration praise
Come on and celebrate
Celebrate and sing
Celebrate and sing to the King
Come on and celebrate
Celebrate and sing
Celebrate and sing to the King
© 1984 Kingsway Thankyou Music CCLI 788682