Acts 2
Today if we had been able to be gathered as Church, we would have been considering Pentecost as it is Pentecost Sunday, so instead it will be the theme for today’s devotion. We touched on this subject of Pentecost toward the end of April so there will be some overlap here in the thoughts I will be sharing.
What happened on the Day of Pentecost was a pivotal moment in the experience of the disciples because it was:
1) A fulfilment of Old Testament prophecy (Joel 2)
2) A fulfilment of the promise of Jesus (John 7: 37-39, ‘On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.’ John 14:16-17 ‘And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.’)
3) It was the day that the building of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ commenced.
4) It was also the day in which the disciples were empowered for the task in hand, which was to fulfil the commission given them by the Lord Jesus Christ prior to his ascension which was to go into all the world and preach the gospel. (Mark 16:15) Or as it says in Act 1:8 to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth.
As we read through this chapter and through the book of Acts, we discover that on being filled with the Holy Spirit the disciples and those working with them did amazing exploits for God. Souls were saved, bodies were healed, the tormented and possessed were delivered and in the words of the city officials in Thessalonica, they had turned the world upside down! (Acts 17:6) Some translations say that they had been causing trouble!
It would be wonderful if all over the UK once this Pandemic is over that the local newspapers were to report that those who call themselves followers of Jesus have turned their towns and cities upside down! For it to be a possibility, we who are believers need to be found in a place where we seek God to come afresh and to empower us again with Pentecostal power and anointing so that like the early disciples we can demonstrate the power in the setting where he has placed us with our preaching, witness and testimony.
Back in 1904/05, God poured out his Spirit afresh in various places around Wales, bringing about what we now call the Welsh Revival, I found this quote on the internet ‘The effects of the 1904 Welsh Revival’. Souls were saved, individual lives were changed and Society itself was changed. Countless numbers of souls were saved. No records were kept of the actual number converted, but 150,000 is a very conservative estimate during the first six months. Wales again became a God-fearing nation.’
In reality although the suggested number of converts is at 150,000, this would be small in comparison to the long term effects of the revival, for as a result of that revival, even if it came to an end in Wales, some of the main stream Pentecostal denominations were born and with them being established there was a new and fresh desire for world mission, evangelization. And from out of these newly formed Churches, many went to serve God, sharing the gospel on the continents of the world with the result being that countless thousands have since responded to Jesus.
As the Church in the UK eventually comes out of lockdown, we need to be crying out for the Lord to do it again, as he poured out his Spirit on the waiting Church in Jerusalem, as he has poured out his Spirit in times of revival, we need God to do it again. Do it Lord, in Gateshead, do it in Emmanuel Pentecostal Church, do it in my heart, make me burn with the flame of Pentecostal power so that our nation will be shaken again by a powerful outpouring of the Spirit again.
We have the words again of the well-known hymn, ‘send the fire’
O God of burning cleansing flame:
Send the fire!
Your blood-bought gift today we claim:
Send the fire today!
Look down and see this waiting host,
And send the promised Holy Ghost;
We need another Pentecost!
Send the fire today!
Send the fire today!
God of Elijah, hear our cry:
Send the fire!
And make us fit to live or die:
Send the fire today!
To burn up every trace of sin,
To bring the light and glory in,
The revolution now begin!
Send the fire today!
Send the fire today!
It’s fire we want, for fire we plead:
Send the fire!
The fire will meet our every need:
Send the fire today!
For strength to always do what’s right,
For grace to conquer in the fight,
For power to walk the world in white:
Send the fire today!
Send the fire today!
To make our weak hearts strong and brave:
Send the fire!
To live, a dying world to save:
Send the fire today!
Oh, see us on Your altar lay,
We give our lives to you today,
So crown the offering now we pray:
Send the fire today!
Send the fire today!
Send the fire today!
William Booth CCLI788682