
Daily Devotion June 11th


We continue today with our look at the life of Enoch.

Enoch’s profession of faith – What does the Scripture tell us regarding Enoch’s profession of faith. What is the testimony recorded about him?

Genesis 5:22-24 ‘Enoch walked with God three hundred years . . . Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.’

What a clear profession of faith or personal testimony – ENOCH WALKED WITH GOD!

And the record of his testimony is found in our text: Hebrews 11:5 ‘BY FAITH Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, and was not found, because God had taken him; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God.

So, his PROFESSION of faith is summed up this way: ‘By faith, he pleased God because he walked with God!

On the 3rd June we saw faith and its availability as a gift from God, on the 5th we saw faith and its approval in our lives, on the 9th we saw faith and acceptance, or faith versus works, in this devotion, we will see faith and amble, we as God’s people are called to WALK by Faith so that we too can please him.

We could turn to much of Paul’s teaching and learn about our walk, and whether we use the phrase walk in the Spirit or walk with the Spirit or even walk by the Spirit, it is a walk of faith. I have used the word amble, it helps because it starts with the letter ‘a’, but the word amble means to walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace. I think that God wants us to walk in this way, he doesn’t want us to be stressed in our Christian walk, he doesn’t want us rushing about here and there, he wants us walking at a pace in which we will constantly be aware of his presence. Over the last ten weeks we have done a lot of walking, and it has nearly always been an amble, a steady relaxed walk and as a result we have discovered and seen so much that we would have missed if we had rushed about. We need to walk at a pace where we see, discover that which God has for us to receive.

Just as Peter had to step out of the boat by faith we continually step into the unknown, into the future, because we trust that the one who has called us already knows that which is unknown and the future is safe and secure in his hand. To walk by faith and to truly PLEASE God we have to fully, confidently trust him.

Remember the well-known song, I mentioned a few days ago, ‘I do not know what lies ahead. But I know who holds the future and he will guide me with his hand, with God things don’t just happen. Everything by him is planned, so as I face tomorrow, with its problems large and small, I’ll trust the God of miracles, give to him my all.’

How is your walk with God? What about mine? If God were to fill out a report card today would it read ‘Haydn (put your name here) is pleasing me with his walk.’

One of the instructions, that God gave to the children of Israel was ‘so shall you keep the commandment of the Lord your God by WALKING IN HIS WAYS and by fearing him.’ (Deuteronomy 8:6)

2 Corinthians 4:17 ‘For we walk by faith and not by sight.’

R Kent Hughes* says about Enoch’s walk with God that ‘he walked so closely with God that they were walking together, to the same place

on the same path, at the same pace.’  What a walk! We need to keep in step with the Spirit, with our eyes fixed upon Jesus so that we get to the finishing line.

*Preaching the Word Series

We walk by faith, and not by sight;

no gracious words we hear

from Him who spoke as none e’er spoke,

but we believe Him near.

We may not touch His hands and side,

nor follow where He trod;

but in His promise we rejoice

and cry, “My Lord and God!”

Help then, O Lord, our unbelief;

and may our faith abound

to call on You when You are near

and seek where You are found.

That, when our life of faith is done,

in realms of clearer light,

may we behold You as You are,

with full and endless sight.

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