
Daily Devotion June 14th


Ephesians 2

Two weeks ago, I shared via video these thoughts which I had prepared as a devotion for today, with the hope that we will soon be able to gather again. We are still having to wait patiently, continue to pray that this will soon be able to happen,

In Ephesians verses 19-22 we read ‘So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.’

Isn’t it wonderful to know that because of what God has done for us we are being built together or knitted together as a body of people, in particular in our local church setting as Emmanuel Pentecostal Church but also into the universal body of Christ, the Church which he is building.

As you are aware, we are living temporarily with Nicola and Cameron, while we wait for our house to be completed. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until the lockdown commenced and the building work was suspended. This means that instead of completing in mid-May, it has been moved on to at least late July or into August. Building was supposed to have recommenced sometime mid-May, but we have since discovered it started on site just this week 9th June.

The lockdown has affected life in so many different way, especially for us as Church meaning that we cannot gather together, but the good news is that while the lockdown has been happening and the building of homes has been suspended the Lord Jesus Christ has continued with his building programme, he hasn’t stopped, the heavenly Father hasn’t furloughed him!

The Church is not able to gather, but it does not mean the building of it has to stop. In Matthew 16 when Jesus said he would build his Church he declared that the gates of Hell would not prevail against it, that is, they would not prevent it from happening. The gates of Hell, can mean anything that would seek to obstruct its progress and growth, and the Pandemic is something that the Devil would love to use to seek to disrupt the Church and the building of it. But the good news is that although Church can’t gather, so much is happening through media and technology that is helping to continue the building and growth of the Church and we thank God for all the different methods and means being used. The gates of hell will not prevail.

But the day is coming when the Pandemic will pass, and the restrictions will be lifted, partially lifted at first until eventually we can return to being gathered Church as God intended. What has been happening over the last few months as good as it may seem to be with on-line church etc, must not become the new normal, it must only be seen as a temporary measure while we heed the advice given by those in authority.

I have heard and read statements that folk are saying how wonderful that Church is finally being what it is meant to be, outside of the four walls of a building, actually that is not entirely true, for true Church is a gathered church. It is reflected in the image given in Scripture of a body, joined-together not dislocated. And however good an on-line service might be it is not truly gathered Church. What is happening at this moment is like a stop gap, making the most or the best out of our present situation – and we thank God for the way that he is blessing the efforts of Churches at this time, but Church is supposed to be gathered, together, not isolated in our living rooms watching a screen but being united not just spiritually but physically together in fellowship.

It is essential that as a result of this extended period of time when we have not been coming together that we do not become complacent thinking that we don’t need Church gatherings, or that instead of getting up and going to our local Church we will search for an on-line service which we can just watch at leisure while still even perhaps doing other things at the same time or even switching off if we are not enjoying!

Gathered Church is where we come together to shut ourselves in as it were from everything else that would distract us to draw near to the presence of God in corporate worship and praise.

Gathered Church is essential, as I’ve already mentioned, on-line church must not become in the words of the phrase that is being used so often today ‘the new norm’ for it can never do for us spiritually what gathered Church can do, for that is the place where we see each other, we bless each other, we encourage each-other and we seek to build each other up. There is something about togetherness that isolation cannot do.

Gathered Church is also a place of accountability, it is the place whereby we can measure our spiritual growth, it is the place where we can be seen to be still participating in the life of Christ, it is the place where the shepherd or pastor can more easily look over the flock and seek to minister to the individual or to the collective need.

Gathered Church is the place where we should be seeking to take communion together, where we should be seeking to pray together and where we should be instructed or taught together and is of course the place where we have fellowship together.

I would guess that during this time of restriction and isolation, we would all list at the top the one thing we have missed most is not being able to go to visit family, not being able to see parents, children, grand-children and friends. One of the first things we will want to do is to go and see them if they live local enough! In the same way we should be missing our spiritual family, and we should be eager in our hearts if we truly care for one another to be able to meet again, to gather again as gathered Church as the family of God in Emmanuel Pentecostal Church.

In Scripture we see in Acts 2:42 that the early believers came together for prayer, fellowship, the breaking of bread and for prayer, Acts 3 tells us that Peter and John were going up to the temple for the hour of prayer, in Acts 4 after the authorities had forbidden Peter and John to teach the name of Jesus, they went to the other believers and they prayed together. In Acts 16 Paul went down to the riverside because he heard that there would be a gathered group meeting for prayer. In 1 Corinthians 16 Paul mentions the churches, he doesn’t use Church which represents the whole universal body but uses the word churches indicating that he saw the need for the Church to be gathered in groups as churches, local churches in a set place as a community of believers.

Obviously we see the gatherings in Scripture took place in various places, homes, temple, outside, today, we should value and appreciate that we have the freedom in this country at the moment to be able to have buildings, yes we may call them church buildings, but they are buildings where the church can gather together, a place where we gather for all the reasons I have mentioned above, and from that place whatever we may call it, to be able to reach out into the community with whatever God may have called the local church to do.

We are a sea of voices

We are an ocean of your praise

Gathered under one name

We are a tide that’s rising

And we cannot be contained

Gathered under one name

O for a thousand tongues to sing

The glories of our Lord, God Almighty

O to sing the Saviour’s praise

The triumph of His grace

You are worthy

You are worthy God

We have found our anthem

At the cross where sin was slain

Gathered under one name

Where every chain is broken

Every sorrow swept away

Gathered under one name

O for a thousand tongues to sing

The glories of our Lord, God Almighty

O to sing the Saviour’s praise

The triumph of His grace

You are worthy

You are worthy God

With all heaven sing

And all earth below

One holy King

One highest throne

Vertical Worship CCLI788682