Colossians 4:7-18
NIV (v18) – ‘I, Paul, write this greeting in my own hand. Remember my chains. Grace be with you.’
ESV (v18) – ‘I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand. Remember my chains. Grace be with you.’
Our last look in Colossians today, and Paul ends it by saying that he has written the greeting himself, with his own hand, maybe he was not able to see enough to write the whole letter, or maybe his being in chains made it difficult to be able to write, he probably dictated the content but wanted to sign it himself, showing it was a genuine letter, but he then says ‘remember my chains’.
I want this to be the theme today and to turn our attention to those who because of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ are suffering in some way, persecuted, ridiculed, imprisoned, being beaten and possibly living under a death sentence.
Thank God we know that Jesus said he would build his Church and that the gates of hell would not prevail against it, but it doesn’t mean the gates of hell will not try, and try they have done throughout the 2000 years of the Church being built, but they have not and will not prevail. The devil is not happy that he has been defeated through the work of the Cross and the resurrection of Jesus, he knows his days are numbered and so he is doing all he can to destroy what God is doing through the Church, and as a result anything that is anti-Christ will oppose and seek to destroy, and much of the persecution is brought against individuals, individuals who have put their hope and trust in Jesus.
We see the persecution start almost immediately after the birth of the Church, leading to the martyrdom of Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, here in our study, Paul who himself was once a persecutor is now the persecuted, and he is wanting the believers to remember his chains, in other words, remember the situation I am found in because of the gospel and pray for me.
We need to pray for the persecuted, we need to pray for them to have God given strength to persevere, protection from the venom of the ones persecuting them and also for the persecutors themselves to have a Damascus Road experience and know the power of the gospel transforming them and translating them from the kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of Light,
We need also to pray for our own nation as the secular world is seeking to do all it can to snuff out the light of the gospel, to deprive the Church of its right to preach and to declare the truth as it is found in the world of God, we need to pray that even though we may not as yet be knowing any severity of persecution as it is found in other nations that should it come we will be endowed with grace and strength to stand firm, as Paul says in the closing of Ephesians, standing in the full armour of God.