MONDAY October 14th
We come today to look at the second event in the life of Jesus that we need to consider before he arrived at the ‘synagogue moment’ in Luke 4 which I have been leading up to and it is found in the same chapter. Luke 4 and in verses 1-13, but we will use for today just verses 1-2.
‘And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for forty days, being tempted by the devil. And he ate nothing during those days. And when they were ended, he was hungry.’
‘And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit . . . was led by the Spirit’.
In our previous devotion we considered that the Holy Spirit came in the form of a dove and ‘rested’ upon Jesus. But here today in our text we see that the Holy Spirit was IN Jesus, for he was full of the Holy Spirit, and he was led by the Holy Spirit.
Now, remember that Jesus was God in the flesh, so why did he need the Holy Spirit? Well, he needed the Holy Spirit in his humanity. He had laid aside as we sing in a chorus, his majesty, he had humbled himself, to become a man, and as a man he needed the help of and the power of the Holy Spirit. In his humanity Jesus would become tired, hungry, and he was as we see about to be tempted. But he was going to enter this time of temptation equipped with the Holy Spirit’s help and power.
We will look at the three temptations over the next few devotions, but will skip over them for now to see what Luke continues to record in verse 18 of the same chapter, ‘And Jesus returned in the power of the Holy Spirit to Galilee . . .’
It was essential for Jesus to be filled with and led by the Holy Spirit to fulfil the mission he was about to embark on. We will see this when we come to the first statement Jesus makes as he stands up in the synagogue later in this same chapter, ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to. . .’ And as we see later it was a requirement for the disciples as they were going to carry out the commission given them to go into all the world and to make disciples, for Jesus tells them to wait first till they had been endued or clothed with the power of the Holy Spirit.
As the third person of the trinity, the Holy Spirit has been given to us so we can also be empowered and equipped to fulfil whatever it is that God requires each of us to be involved in has we seek to live for him and serve him daily.
It leads me to end this devotion with my theme text for this year, ‘Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts’, Zechariah 4:6.