THURSDAY November 9th
HUNTED – 1 Peter 5:8 but not caught!
‘Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.’
Notice that I have said ‘hunted but not caught’ I have deliberately put it that way because it is my prayer as a shepherd over the flock of God that not one who attends our fellowship will be devoured or caught by the evil one.
I may have used this illustration before, so forgive me if I have. When I was growing up on the farm we would have lambs that needed to be bottle fed, so they became like pets, one year I had the responsibility of a lamb and he got to know me and recognise my voice. When he was strong enough he was taken to be with the other sheep out in the field and when it was time to feed him I just used to call his name and he would come to me. After a period of time, I went one morning and I called and called and he didn’t come. Eventually after searching for the lamb, I discovered that a fox had been prowling around the field and it had got my lamb and killed it.
Peter has been very clear here in his warning to us as sheep belonging to the good Shepherd, the devil will do all he can to devour us, to draw us away, to keep us from being in a place of fellowship and safety with other believers and from walking close to Jesus. Peter says ‘Be watchful’, we need at all times to be watching what we do, watching where we go, watching who we hang out with and even watching what we listen to with our ears or see with our eyes, the devil will use anyone or anything he possibly can to devour us. We need to keep close to Jesus and to stay far away from anything the devil will try to use to trap us, to draw us away from Jesus our Shepherd, even to try and devour us.
In the great psalm concerning the Lord as our Shepherd, it says ‘he leads me in paths of righteousness for his names sake’. If today you are walking in any way that is unrighteous and not in accord to that which fits in with the will of God, beware, be careful, it is making you a sitting target for the prowling devil to be able to pounce and to try to devour you. It is so vital that we walk in the right paths, the way that the good Shepherd leads us in.