WEDNESDAY February 21st
1 Corinthians 15:42
‘So is it with the resurrection of the dead.’
Remember Paul was answering the questions that he presupposed would be asked considering the resurrection, ‘How are the dead raised?’ With what kind of body do they come?’ I suppose I would answer this second question this way, ‘The same but different!’ But why?
Well if we look back at the resurrection of Jesus, it was a bodily resurrection, it was the dead body that was taken down off the cross and buried in the tomb that was raised, he was identifiable, he was able to show his scars in his hands and feet and the mark from the spear in his side, and yet it was different, for he no longer had to turn the door handle to open a door to enter a room, he could just appear! John tells us that as the disciples were in a locked room, for fear of the Jews, Jesus suddenly stood among them!
Paul says regarding our bodies that they will be sown as perishable; but raised as imperishable. See the decaying process crept into our bodies as soon as we were born, and the process increases the older we get until we finally die, that is the result of sin, but because of what Christ accomplished at Calvary the power of the resurrection is such that because the sting of death which is sin has been dealt with, we will be raised to the power of an endless life, no longer perishable but imperishable, after the resurrection, death nor decay will have any hold upon us!
So don’t worry about the wrinkles! One day we will all be wrinkle free, why spend vast amounts of money on all the beauty products and treatments that are peddled to suggest we can look better for longer when Jesus has provided something far better for us and it is free! Life everlasting and imperishable!
The second point Paul makes is that we are sown in dishonour, and we will be raised in glory. This is what Paul had written to the Philippian Church in 3:20-21 ‘But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.’
The body that will be buried will have been ravaged and restricted because of sin, but it will be raised in glory, untainted, never to be limited in any way.
The third point is that the body will be sown because of weakness, but it will be raised in power! Wow, it is all good news, imagine never feeling weak, tired, or lethargic again, never succumbing to the weaknesses of the flesh and the temptation of sin again, that will all be gone, and we will have been raised in power.
We will look at the fourth point in the next devotion.