Ephesians 1:15
‘For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints. . .’
The second reason Paul gives for wanting to pray for the Ephesian believers is ‘because of your love toward all the saints’.
Our faith not only brings us into a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and with God whom we can now call our Father, who art in heaven, it also brings us into a new family, the family of God which is made up of every blood brought believer, we have become the Church which is the body of Christ, we have become living stones that have been joined to one another and one of the things that keeps us bound is love and what Paul could see in the church at Ephesus should be seen in every gathering of local Church, ‘love toward all the saints’.
Jesus had said to his disciples that he was giving to them a new commandment and it was that they were to love one another, John 15:12. In fact the measure of our love for one another is not based on the same feelings that we have regarding human or earthly love but should be based upon the measure of the love of God. Again, in John 15 Jesus said that as the Father had loved him, so he had loved the disciples, and that was also to be the basis upon which we love each other. The love of God is the purest love because he himself is love. It is a selfless love, it is a love that gives, it is a love that cares, it is a love that is eternal.
In his epistles, John, when writing them, must have often thought back to this commandment of Jesus to love one another, for he touches on the theme a number of times, in 1 John 3:1 he speaks about the manner or the kind of love that the Father has given to us, then in in verse 14 he says that we know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brothers, in 1 John 4:7 he calls us to love one another for love is from God, and it shows that we have been born of God and know God. Then in verse 11 he says ‘Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another’.
Faith and love the apostle Paul says, it is as if they cannot be separated, if we have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, it surely must be evident by the love we have for one another.