
Daily Devotion March 28th


Reading Acts 3:1-10

This is the last in this first 7 days of our Daily Devotional series on the Power of God and I have chosen to focus today on Gods power to heal. No doubt we will still consider other areas of his power as it will come up in other devotional series.

I think it would be fair to say that after prayer for the salvation of souls we probably could say that prayer for healing would come a very close second.

Healing is needed in different ways, first there is healing of the soul through redemption, there is the need for healing from hurts and disappointments, the healing of a broken heart, the healing of marriages and relationships, the healing of a nation as in 2 Chronicles 7:14 and then of course the healing of physical ailments. It is this area I want us to consider today, healing for sickness and disease.

All the time we are hearing of sickness and disease, not one of us is exempt from it and we all have those in our close family and friends that we know who are suffering in one way or another. But we need to remind ourselves that our God is more powerful than any sickness or disease. The great news is that he has already conquered death therefore this should remind us that there is no situation outside of his possibility.

The mystery is this, that despite the fact we know God has the power to heal and we ask him to heal he doesn’t always do it. It is at those moments that we need to remind ourselves that God is Sovereign, and he has the right to heal or not to heal. Just because it may not happen doesn’t mean he can’t! It is during those moments when healing doesn’t seem to be happening that we draw strength from God to continue to trust him. In 2 Corinthians 12 we read of Paul asking the Lord to take something that is bugging him away, we don’t know what it was, he describes it as a thorn in the flesh so it is possible it was something physical. Paul says that three times he PLEADED with the Lord that it should leave him. But the reply he received was ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my POWER is made PERFECT in weakness’. In response to this Paul said, ‘Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weakness, so that the POWER of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.’ Paul readily accepted after hearing that the weakness or thorn would not be removed that instead, God would give him sufficient grace to bear it, and this would be a demonstration of the power of God being seen in his weakness and as a result he would be strong!

I wish that everyone I prayed for and which we all pray for would be healed immediately, but what is more important is that God’s will is done. But even if we don’t see all the healing(s) we are looking for it should never stop us from asking. Because God does have the power to heal. The good news is that even if we don’t receive the healing here on earth, the day is coming when all sickness will be done away with! It is going to happen! Revelation 21:3-4 ‘And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

It is difficult to draw a devotion like this to an end because it is such a vast subject, but, end I must but thank God is power doesn’t end so keep trusting, keep asking and keep believing. I am reminded of an old chorus that goes something like this or in various ways; ‘Expect a miracle every day, expect a miracle when you pray, if we believe it God will find a way, to perform a miracle for you each day.’

One of my favourite older choruses is

‘He touched me, He touched me,

And oh, the joy that floods my soul

Something happened and now I know,

He touched me and made me whole.

Let us keep believing that has we continue to seek God for healing we will see things happening in the name of Jesus.

Almighty Father, great must be

Your power from all eternity;

How great your love in Christ made known

To those by suffering weighed down.

Christ healed the sick, the deaf, the blind,

Brought reason to the splintered mind.

He gave the peace of heaven to men

And set them on their feet again.

Yet may these things for us be so,

With Galilee those years ago?

Is life and all its fullness still

For us the heavenly Father’s will?

 Indeed! the Christ who wrought such things

Is Lord of Lords and King of Kings:

Today as yesterday the same

To those who gather in his name.

Through laying on of hands and prayer

The sick may in Christ’s wholeness share,

And others, nursed to health again,

Renew their strength and lose their pain.

Almighty Father, let us see

In Christ man has the victory!

Help us to find, in life and death,

Your everlasting arms beneath.

© David Mowbray/Jubilate Hymns LM CCLI 788682


Daily Devotion March 27th


1 Corinthians 1:18-31

‘For the word of the cross is folly to them who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.’ (v18)

‘For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.’ (Romans 1:16)

I use the ESV which uses ‘word’ in 1 Corinthians 1:18, the KJV uses ‘preaching’ the CSB & NIV ‘message’. Whichever translation you prefer what the text is saying is that what we declare about the cross is folly or foolishness to those who fail to or refuse to believe.

What do we declare about the cross? What is the message of the cross? Although we immediately may think of the symbol of the cross, what Paul is referring to here is the whole spectrum of that which Christ Jesus has done as a result of the cross. (what we call his redemptive work) So to talk of the cross covers his anguish in the garden, his suffering in the courtroom, his pain and torment while hanging on the cross, his bearing our sin, his being forsaken by his Father, his last breathe and his burial and the incredible resurrection on the third day. It must mean all of this and more which I’ve not listed, because it was all necessary to bring about eternal redemption. Therefore, the message we declare is this, that because of the cross, because of all that I have just mentioned there is hope for the sinner, hope for mankind and the possibility of forgiveness and reconciliation to God. But the unbelieving word thinks that this amazing message is folly or foolishness. Utter nonsense or rubbish. But (and thank God for the buts in the Bible) it continues to say that to us who are being saved as a result of our believing the message of the cross is the POWER OF GOD.

What humanity sees as just an act of cruel execution is the actual power of God at work!

On Sunday we considered Gods power in creating the heavens and the earth and his new creation at the end of time with a new heaven and earth. But the power of the message of the cross is that in believing we are recreated into new persons, born again by the Spirit of God and it can only come about by the power of God.

2 Corinthians 5:17 is my favourite verse; ‘Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold the new has come.’

I want us to dwell on this today, the message of the cross means that you and I are new creations, it means that through believing, we are ‘In Christ’.  Remember what we were outside of Christ, sinners, hell bound, alienated from God, spiritually dead and without hope and heaps more and yet because of the incredible power of God at work in the cross through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ we have now been made anew, forgiven, reconciled to God, at peace with God, transformed, heaven bound and heaps more.

And in line with our second Scripture from Romans 1:16 may we never be ashamed of the gospel. May we be willing to always be looking for opportunity, ways and means to share the good news, for just as it has become the power of God unto salvation in our own lives in can also become the power of God to salvation to those whom we share it with.

I am a new creation,

no more in condemnation,

here in the grace of God I stand.

My heart is overflowing,

my love just keeps on growing,

here in the grace of God I stand.

And I will praise You, Lord,

yes I will praise You, Lord,

and I will sing of all that You have done.

A joy that knows no limit,

a lightness in my spirit

here in the grace of God I stand.

©1983  Kingsway’s Thankyou Music CCLI 788682


Daily Devotion March 26th


Acts 16:25 – 34

Our theme for power today is praise & worship. The power of praise. We are all familiar with this story in Acts when Paul and Silas have been arrested quite simply because the power of God had been demonstrated through their lives and ministry. They had delivered a slave girl who had a spirit of divination from the demonic powers that had held her in bondage. Those who owned her and who were making a living through her got angry – the result being that Paul and Silas were arrested and thrown into prison. ‘Oh well’ you can Imagine them thinking, ‘water and porridge for breakfast again.’ They were thrown into the inner prison and fastened in stocks and then spent the night moaning and sulking.

No, the Scripture says that at midnight they were praying and singing hymns to God AND they had an audience, the prisoners were listening to them. There is a lesson we can learn here. Imagine if Paul and Silas had been moaning and groaning, calling the authorities everything under the sun, criticizing the magistrates and maybe even making fun of the guards or the other prisoners. It wouldn’t have been a very good witness seeing that they were servants of God. The prisoners listening wouldn’t have heard or seen a very good Christian example. Instead Paul and Silas used the circumstances to bring glory to God. How are we when we are placed into difficult circumstances, maybe in the work place or even in the community where we live? What kind of signals do we give to those around us as representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ, as sons and daughters of the living God? For although we may not realise it, once they know we are Christians they will be watching us!

As it was, Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to God. I like the way the Scripture continues ‘. . . AND SUDDENLY there was a great earthquake, . . .’

The day before they had released a slave girl from bondage, now at midnight God was delivering them from a different kind of bondage and as a result we find that the jailor comes to accept Jesus as his Saviour.

At this present time, we may begin to feel like prisoners in our own homes, not being able to go anywhere, how are we going to respond as God’s people. We could moan and groan and whinge or we can accept the circumstances and turn it into opportunity. Among other things we can learn to pray and sing praise like Paul and Silas because there is power in praise. And who knows, the more the people of God sing, praise and pray during this time we may have a ‘suddenly’ moment, God will hear the cry of his children and the praise from their lips and the Coronavirus will be dealt with!

In 1 Thessalonians 5 Paul says, ‘Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, giving thanks IN ALL circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.’ (verses 16-18) Paul could say this because he had practised it, knowing that God will always come through as he did in the prison experience.

With a clean heart I’ll praise You

With a pure heart I’ll honour You

With a right spirit within me

I will magnify Your name

I will magnify Your name

I will magnify Your name

With a heart full of love for you I will magnify your name.

© Chris Bowater  CCLI 788682


Daily Devotion March 25th


Read Psalm 29

‘The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is full of majesty’

I wonder how often we have heard someone preach or give a speech, or someone singing and commented ‘Wow, what a powerful voice’? What we mean is that they had the ability to project their voice loudly and clearly so that it impacted those who were listening.

When it comes to the voice of God being powerful it can mean that he projects it loudly and clearly – for what he has spoken is definite and sure but it means far more, it means that his voice has the power to do something. In our Sunday devotion we saw how he created, but how did he create? By speaking out. God said and it was. That’s power. In Genesis 12:1 we see that God spoke to Abram (we don’t know how he spoke) and told him to leave his homeland and family and to set out on a journey to a new land that God would show him. Now, there must have been power in the voice of God that convinced Abram of the need to obey. In the book of Exodus we read of God speaking to Moses in the midst of a bush that burned and was not consumed, as God spoke to Moses he spoke with authority and at the same time gave Moses authority to be his mouthpiece to speak to the wicked Pharaoh in Egypt and Gods voice through Moses had power.  We could look at many other examples, power in his voice to soothe, to restore, to heal and to deliver, this maybe a good subject for a sermon when things get back to normal! But for today our thought comes from 1 Samuel 3 where the voice of God spoke to the young child Samuel, it was in the stillness of the night, in fact we know from the record that Samuel mistook the voice at first as being that of Eli, but when he finally realized it was the voice of the Lord we see that even though the call to Samuel may have come through a soft gentle voice it was a voice of power because it commissioned Samuel into his ministry as a prophet and the promise of God was that as Samuel spoke as Gods mouthpiece it would cause the ears of those who heard it to tingle! (1 Samuel 3:11)   He was going to be the channel through which the powerful voice of God would speak.

How often do we hear the powerful voice of God? Or perhaps we should ask, how often do we listen to the powerful voice of God for often when God speaks to us it demands our obedience.

He can speak to us in many ways, but we know when it is his powerful voice that has spoken because the Holy Spirit gives us a deep inner conviction and witness.

It maybe when we are reading Gods Word, suddenly something we are reading hits us like a ton of bricks, and we know that God is speaking into our lives. It maybe when we are hearing the Word being preached and suddenly something is like a sharp arrow that hits us in the right spot. It may even be while we are praying or singing / listening to worship songs and suddenly the voice of God speaks into the depths of our souls. Many ways – but do we recognise his powerful voice and respond.

Finally, I believe that God wants to speak today, he wants his powerful voice to be heard today in the midst of the confusion, terror and fear that is filling our land. And God can speak his powerful voice through you and me, it needn’t be a loud thundering voice, it can be through quiet and almost silent ways as we allow him to use us to speak peace into fearful hearts, he can use us to speak his comfort into broken lives, he can speak by using us to ease others burdens, he can speak through us in so many different ways.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the ears and hearts of people were tingled today because we were willing to be the mouthpiece for Gods voice in our generation?

Pray for God opportunities to speak into the lives of those around you, whether family, friends, neighbours or colleagues.

I want to serve the purpose of God

In my generation

I want to serve the purpose of God

While I am alive

I want to give my life

For something that will last forever

Oh, l delight, I delight to do Your will

I want to build with silver and gold

In my generation

I want to build with silver and gold

While I am alive

I want to give my life

For something that will last forever

Oh, l delight, I delight to do Your will

What is on Your heart?

Tell me what to do

Let me know Your will

And I will follow You

I want to see the kingdom of God

In my generation

I want to see the kingdom of God

While I am alive

I want to live my life

For something that will last forever

Oh, I delight, I delight to do Your will

I want to see the Lord come again

In my generation

I want to see the Lord come again

While I am alive

I want to give my life

For something that will last forever

Oh l delight, I delight to do Your will

© 1982 People of Destiny International/Word Music CCLI 788682


Daily Devotion March 24th


Read Daniel 6

We are all familiar with this story of Daniel being thrown into the den of lions, likewise the earlier story in Daniel 3 when the three Hebrew lads were thrown in the fiery furnace.

What we see in these two Bible narratives is a King called Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 3 and a King called Darius in Daniel 6 who sought to exalt themselves above what God intended them to be as Kings. Nebuchadnezzar had made himself a golden image and demanded that everyone should bow down and worship this image. The three Hebrew lads who would have known the commandment that we should have no other gods besides the true and living God defied the order to bow down before the golden image and were thrown into the fiery furnace. Darius had made a decree that no one was to petition any god or man for thirty days except himself, but Daniel another Hebrew lad refused to obey the decree and rather instead to continue his regular habit of praying to the true and living God. The result was his being thrown into the lion’s den.

But God came through in both instances, we see his power to protect and to deliver.

The true and living God did what the golden statue could never do because it was a dead inanimate object and did what Darius could never do and protected Daniel from any harm in the lion’s den. The lads in both accounts had remained faithful to the One who they knew was faithful himself.

In the fiery furnace account after discovering the lads were alive without even a hair singed or even the smell of fire upon them the king declared ‘Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo . . .’ (Daniel 3:28) After Daniels account the king declared ‘. . . I make a decree that in all my royal dominion people are to tremble and fear before the God of Daniel, for he is the living God, enduring forever, his kingdom shall never be destroyed, and his dominion shall be to the end. He delivers and rescues; he works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth, he who saved Daniel from the power of the lions.’ (Daniel 6:26-27)

Throughout Scripture we see so many times how God comes to deliver his people

I don’t know how many of those in positions of authority around the world would claim to be genuine Christians, Among the Kings, Queens, Presidents, Prime Ministers and leaders of states, I guess just a small minority. As the nations of the world are going through the present crisis’ we have heard very little mention from these leaders in regard to a call to prayer. But among the citizens of the earthly kingdoms, we thank God that there are men and women who like the three Hebrew lads and Daniel are citizens of the kingdom of God. We may often feel we are in a minority, but with God we can become a majority. As we bow the knee to the One who is the King of Kings and the Lord of lords we can believe that we will see our faithful God come through in His mighty power to deliver the world from the dread and fear of the Coronavirus.

Thank God that whatever our nationality or citizenship is here on earth we belong to his kingdom because of his grace, a kingdom that is an everlasting kingdom. Paul also reminds us that because of his grace we are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God. (Ephesians 2:19) With this scripture in mind as we cannot meet together pray specifically for our family of believers in Emmanuel and maybe if you can, give one of them a phone call to say you are thinking of them and praying for them. Maybe they will share a present need with you for further prayer.

We are a chosen people, a royal priesthood

A holy nation, belonging to God

We are a chosen people, a royal priesthood

A holy nation, belonging to God

You have called us out of darkness

To declare Your praise

We exalt You and enthrone You

Glorify Your name

You have placed us into Zion

In the new Jerusalem

Thousand thousand are their voices

Singing to the Lamb

David Hadden © 1982 Restoration Music Ltd. CCLI788682


Daily Devotion 23rd March


Esther isn’t a very long book, consider reading through it today.

There is a well-known verse in the book of Esther that reads; ‘. . . and who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?’ (Esther 4:14) We have probably all heard sermons around this verse, I have preached around it myself. It was a specific word for a specific person at a specific time. In other words, it talks about God’s perfect timing in every situation. Just at the right time when it was needed God raised Esther to intervene for the Children of Israel which led to their deliverance from the plot of Haman to destroy them. In the midst of their impending doom God’s power was at work to over-rule the schemes of man and to work out his purpose. Something very similar is said about Moses in Exodus 9:16; ‘But for this purpose I have raised you up, to show you my power, so that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth.’ This Scripture is at the time of the sending of the plagues upon the nation of Egypt, through Moses obedience the power of God was going to be displayed.

We need to see a demonstration of the power of God again at this time, while the whole world is struggling with this pandemic called the Coronavirus. It is time for us as individuals, those who are born again by the Spirit of God to make ourselves available for the power of God to be demonstrated in a time such as this. It is time for the Church to awake from its slumber and to become a mighty army that God can use again to demonstrate his power in a time such as this.

We may have to be self-isolating etc. but may our prayers be powerful so that ‘in such a time as this’ God will use us individually and collectively as the Universal Church to make his power known yet again in the nations of the world. Tonight(Monday)  at 7:30pm would normally be our collective prayer meeting, make some time during the hour 7:30pm – 8:30pm to spend time in prayer seeking God for one another and for his help in this crisis.

One way in which Gods power can be demonstrated is through us his children showing acts of kindness. Where it is possible during ‘such a time as this’ a time we’ve never faced before, seek ways to be able to help those around you who may be struggling at this time.

May the words of a well-known song be our prayer; ‘He is the Lord and He reigns on high – ‘Show your power, O Lord our God, Send your power, O Lord our God.’

He is the Lord and He reigns on high

He is the Lord

Spoke into the darkness, creating the Light

He is the Lord

Who is like unto Him, never ending in days

He is the Lord

And He comes in power when we call on His name

He is the Lord

Show Your power

Oh, Lord, our God

Show Your power

Oh, Lord, our God

Oh, Lord, our God

Your Gospel, oh, Lord is the hope for our nation

You are the Lord

It’s the power of God for our salvation

You are the Lord

We ask not for riches but look to the cross

‘Cause you are the Lord

And for our inheritance give us the loss

You are the Lord

Kevin Prosch ©  1991 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing / Copycare CCLI788682


Daily Devotion – March 22nd 2020

Devotional Thoughts for Emmanuel Pentecostal Church

Week starting Sunday March 22nd 2020

As we go through the week, spend time praying for our Church family in Emmanuel, in particular for those who are living alone. Prayer for and give thanks for those who working on the front line as it were, the prime-minister, others involved in decision making as our nation seeks to navigate its way through this crisis and in particular for the staff in the NHS who are working under very difficult circumstances.

The theme for this week will be the power of God.


Read Psalm 147

Psalm 147:5 ‘Great is our LORD, and abundant in power; his understanding is behind measure.’

The power of God is displayed and demonstrated in many ways, immediately when we open up Scripture (Genesis 1-2) we see his power displayed in his work of creating the heavens and the earth (Psalm 19:1) and at the end we see it in his re-creative work of a New heaven and a New earth. (Revelation 21:1-4)

Perhaps one of the most wonderful demonstrations of his creative power is that which falls in between in that he takes lost humanity, sinners such as us and re-creates us into new creations, born again by the power of his Spirit. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

As we go through this week in our devotions, we will look at some verses concerning God’s Power and through them I trust that our faith and confidence in God will be built up during these troublesome days in which we are living.

Thank God for his saving power, which without we would still be lost in our sin. As we commence a new week, our first in isolation as it will be for many we do so with joy in our hearts that we are new creations.

Pray that during this week we may God’s presence in a powerful way, speaking his peace into our lives and into this troubled world. ‘I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.’ (John 16:33)

Thank you for saving me;

What can I say?

You are my everything,

I will sing your praise.

You shed your blood for me;

What can I say?

You took my sin and shame,

A sinner called by name.

Great is the Lord,

Great is the Lord.

For we know your truth has set us free,

You’ve set your hope in me.

Mercy and grace are mine –

Forgiven is my sin.

Jesus my only hope,

The Saviour of the world.

‘Great is the Lord’ we cry,

‘God, let your kingdom come!’

Your word has let me see,

Thank you for saving me.

Martin Smith © 1993 Curious? Music UK / Kingsway’s Thankyou Music CCLI788682


Emmanuel Pentecostal Church

Welcome to the WordPress pages of Emmanuel Pentecostal Church which is a Pentecostal / Evangelical Church in Gateshead, Tyne and Wear in the North East of England. We are situated in Caris Street.

We usually meet at the following times but at present owing to the Corona Virus we are not able to meet together.

Sundays: 10:30am Worship, Communion and Ministry, 6:30pm Gospel Service

Mondays: 7:30pm Prayer Meeting

Fridays: 7:30pm Bible Study

These pages have been compiled so that our pastor, Haydn Greenow can provide some Daily Devotions for our congregation to use during this time of not being able to gather together. If you have found these pages you are welcome to use the devotions and should you live in the area you are warmly welcomed to meet with us once our weekly services are started again.