TUESDAY August 6th
Ephesians 6:19-20
‘. . . and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.’
I looked at these verses briefly, recently, Paul is a prisoner for the gospel, and he needs to have a daily dose of boldness! And don’t we all? I do, and I want us to just take the first four words ‘and also for me’. Paul is asking that the church pray for him.
We should never be afraid to ask the local church to pray for ourselves as individuals, we are a body of believers that have been joined together as family who congregate together for the purpose of fellowship. And we are a praying church, we meet every Wednesday at 7pm (although for the month of August we are joining prayer with ministry on a Friday evening) and as we pray, we do pray for one another. But can I encourage you to never be afraid to say those four words regarding prayer, ‘and also for me’. It isn’t always necessary to have to give the details of a need, God knows, but to ask for prayer is a step of faith that says that we believe in the power of prayer and that prayer works.
Of course, we must underscore our requests by accepting that we need also to pray that the answer will always be that which is according to his will. Prayer is not an action that can be likened to making a wish, and trusting it will be granted, God is not a genie with a bottle, he is the Almighty omniscient God who knows exactly what we need and will always answer accordingly to that need and accordingly to that which is his will for us.
I love the words of this hymn that is found in the Redemption Hymnal, it is taken from a poem that has fourteen verses! I looked it up in my old hymnal and discovered that I had underlined this verse as a youngster
I worship thee, sweet will of God!
And all thy ways adore;
And every day I live, I seem (I long)
To love thee more and more.
But the verse from the hymn / poem which is by F. W. Faber that I had recalled is this one
Ill that he blesses is our good,
And unblessed good is ill;
And all is right that seems most wrong.
If it be his sweet will.
When we align our hearts to the will of God, as and when we pray, we will always leave the answer in his hands, understanding that he is the one who has made us, therefore we trust that he is doing that which will in the final analysis bring the greatest glory to himself.
Whatever your cares, anxieties, worries, struggles etc. leave it at the throne of grace, hand it over to the safest hands of all, the hands of God. I add a couple more of the verses to close.
I have no cares, O blessed will!
For all my cares are thine:
I live in triumph, Lord! for thou
Hast made thy triumphs mine.
He always wins who sides with God,
To him no chance is lost;
God’s will is sweetest to him, when
It triumphs at his cost.
The day will arrive when all will be revealed, when we stand in his eternal presence, we will understand fully what we cannot fully understand now. Just trust God.