The Psalms
The Psalms are often broken up into five books or sections:
Book One – Psalms 1-41
Book Two – Psalms 42-72
Book Three – Psalms 73-89
Book Four – Psalms 90-106
Book Five – Psalms 107-150
Over the course of the next few weeks we will look at the first book or section, chapters 1-41, now, if I go into lengthy detail with each of the Psalms it would take months to get through them, therefore for the devotions I will just concentrate mostly a day per Psalm, (as difficult as this will be) highlighting something from each. We will discover that the Psalms were composed by more than one author, there are Psalms that are very short and of course they also contain the longest and shortest chapters in the Bible, Psalms 119 (176 verses) and Psalm 117. (2 verses)
I guess we all like the Psalms, and in various moments in our Christian walk have been blessed in some way through the reading of a Psalm, or with the preaching from one of the Psalms, we find that there are Psalms that give instruction, others that give us guidance, others that give us confidence, or assurance, or comfort and of course ones that give us warning, helping us to navigate the pitfalls we come across as we walk through life.
For myself I can recall particular moments in my experience when a Psalm has been given me or shared with me and has been pivotal in my life at that particular moment, sometimes it will have encouraged me, other times challenged me, I recall a very difficult experience over twenty five years ago, where everything seemed to be going against me, and one day in the Church a lady got up and said she had a Psalm to share and that she believed it was for me, and she read it and it immediately spoke into my life and into the circumstances that I was found in at that time and the outcome was exactly as the Psalm portrayed.
As I have said, there are snippets from the Psalms that we can all probably relate to in some way, a line or a sentence that has been key to us at some point, and why not, for as it is with the whole of Scripture, the Psalms are the Word of God which is living and powerful, as we read in Psalm 119:105 ‘Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.’ Are you seeking direction at this present time, then allow the Word of God to be the lamp to your feet and the light for your path, allow the Word of God to lead you and to direct you.
May we be encouraged as we look at the Psalms, applying perhaps the prayer that is found in Psalm 19:14 ‘Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.’ And adding to this the words from Psalm 119:18 ‘Open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.’