TUESDAY October 1st
Isaiah 7:14
‘Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.’
To move forward from my thoughts concerning Jesus before he came to Bethlehem, we move on to consider some of the Old Testament scriptures that promised, predicted or prophesied that he would come into the world. Again, think about how incredible this was going to be, that God would come into this world as a man.
And what is more, his conception and birth would be unique for never had a baby been born which hadn’t involved the union of a man and a woman, that is a birth that did not involve the seed of the man, just the egg of the woman. But with God all things are possible. That is exactly what the angel Gabriel said to Mary when the news of her impending pregnancy was announced to her in Luke 1:37.
Now the scripture I have used as our text is not the only OT prophecy, for we are familiar also with the verses a little later in Isaiah 9:6 that say ‘For to us a child is born, to us a son is given’ it continues to list what he would be called, ‘Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace’.
These two verses from Isaiah confirm to us again the deity of the Lord Jesus for in the first his name was to be called Immanuel, which means ‘God with us’ and in the second, he was to be given other names which can only be linked to deity, such as Mighty God and Everlasting Father.
We cannot go through all the verses, but there are those verses that predict where he would be born, where he would live, what he would do and even the details concerning how he would suffer and die. And it was all for the purpose of becoming the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world.
So, throughout the Old Testament period, God was at work, first with individuals, then with the nation of Israel, and it was all leading up to the moment when this promised child would be born, and the promised son would be given. And this child, this son would become our wonderful Saviour, Jesus who we have come to love and to know, the one whose name is the sweetest name.
Now, before we move forward, we need to understand why Jesus needed to come, and I know these devotions are primarily for those who already know, but because they are also found on-line, for any that might wonder what this is all about, it is because way back in the beginning when Adam and Eve were created, they disobeyed God and sin came into the world. As a result, we are all born as sinners and we are all under the judgement of death, not just physical death, but spiritual death. But God out of his great love and his incredible mercy was willing to put a plan into action whereby we could know our sins to be forgiven and the verdict of death be taken from off us, and it would all come about through his plan of redemption, a plan which involved sending Jesus into the world to die in our place and then as we come to believe on him, we will be forgiven and made right with God again. You can read more of this incredible story in the Bible, and I suggest as a good starting point to read the gospel according to John for more information.