FRIDAY November 29th
John 14:6 ‘Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”’
‘. . . and the truth’, I am the truth. Have you noticed how difficult it is today to decide what is truth or not. Now you may not appreciate me saying this, but I am going to say it, it is becoming more apparent as each day passes that our present government is only in government today because they seem to have lied or not disclosed the truth about what they were planning to do to get the votes. And let me be clear, the other parties are hardly any different as they seek to hide things or prevent the truth about matters being brought to light.
It almost seems that to get on today you need to be good at telling lies, or good at ignoring the truth. So where on earth can we look and find one who is truthful and trustworthy.
Well, John’s gospel tells us that we can look to Jesus, in the first chapter and verse 14 he says, ‘And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.’ A few verses earlier John had said that Jesus was the true light, which gives light to everyone (v9), and Jesus says yes, you can look to me, for I am not just the way, I am also the truth!
In John 18:37 after Jesus had been brought before Pilate, he said to Pilate, ‘. . . for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth
‘. Pilate replies in verse 38 ‘What is truth?’ Well, we can understand why Pilate said ‘what’, but if only he had really understood he would have said ‘who’ for standing before him was the one who is the truth.
Now to answer the question ‘what is truth’ in a general sense, we would answer it is to be true and genuine, some synonyms would be honesty, reality, genuineness, but excuse me for putting it this way concerning Jesus, as the truth he is the real deal!
This means that regarding what Jesus says, you can depend on it, you can believe it without doubting, you can build your life on it, it you can fix your eternal destiny on it, for not a single untruth was ever uttered through his lips, and could not, because he is truth.
Now, as we consider Jesus as the truth, we need to remind ourselves that as we have come to know him that we must also be a people who speak the truth, our lives should be lived in such a way that having come to know the One who is the truth that we seek to live with integrity and honesty,