Acts 2:14-47 – Power
Luke who has written this historical account for us, continues the story. From the thousands that were out in the streets, there had been a mixed reaction. Some were amazed and perplexed at what they were seeing and hearing, others decided to mock them, suggesting it was as a result of having too much wine to drink, even though the evidence was there, that in the tongues that were being spoken the people understood them and heard them describing the mighty works of God.
As a response to the reaction of the crowd, but more importantly, as a result of the Pentecostal Power and the Holy Spirits Infilling, Peter stood up with the other eleven and began to address the crowd. It was only a few weeks earlier they were locking themselves away for fear of the Jews, (John 20:19) but now, what a transformation. When the Holy Spirit comes and fills with power, he also gives spiritual boldness and spiritual strength, and Peter, who blatantly denied Jesus three times (John 18:15-27) is now boldly proclaiming him.
In verses 15 – 36 we have the first sermon preached after the inauguration of the Church, and what a sermon. It wasn’t a motivational talk, it wasn’t a series of quick steps to make yourself feel better about yourself, it wasn’t a half hour talk that tickled the fancy of the hearers, it was a proclamation of the truth, it expounded and verified that what was happening was a fulfilment of Old Testament prophecy,(vv16-21 and Joel 2:28-32) it declared the truth concerning who Jesus was, and that though his life, death and resurrection God was at work, (vv22-28) it was a declaration of the Lordship of Jesus Christ, (vv29-36) it exposed the sins of the hearers, for at the same time as the Holy Spirit anointed Peter to preach the sermon, the Holy Spirit was also at work in the hearts of the crowd, for we read in v37 that they were cut to the heart, conviction had gripped them as they realised the reality of their sin and their need for the Saviour. They responded, ‘What shall we do?’ and Peter answered, ‘Repent and be baptised, everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and you will receive the Holy Spirit.’
We need to know again the Holy Spirits anointing on the preaching of the Word of God, I confess, that I need to know the anointing, I need to know the equipping power, those of us who preach in Churches today need to know what it is to not pussy foot around trying to pamper, but to preach with authority and in power the whole counsel of God so that conviction will fall upon the hearers. In the words of the famous William Booth hymn, ‘We need another Pentecost, send the fire today’ I need it, we all need it, may God visit us again with Pentecostal power and anointing.
The end of the sermon is not recorded for us, as it says that after giving the command to repent and to be baptised, in verse 40 ‘And with many other words, he bore witness and continued to exhort them, saying save yourselves from this crooked generation.’ ‘With many other words’ he continued, but the exciting part is there in verse 41, ‘So those who received his word were baptised and there were added that day about three thousand souls.’ What a baptismal service it must have been and imagine the rejoicing that must have been taking place in heaven. And why did it happen? Because they were obedient to the command to wait, and as a result of their waiting they were filled with the Holy Spirit and they preached with power and with authority the Lord Jesus Christ.
In verse 39 we read ‘For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are afar off, everyone whom the Lord calls to himself.’
The ‘for you’ was the crowd that were listening to Peter preaching, the ‘for your children’ was to be the next generation, the ‘for all who are afar off’ includes every succeeding generation, the ‘everyone whom the Lord calls to himself’ includes every man, woman, boy, girl who comes to faith during the period which we call the day of God’s grace. This includes you and me, the promise is for us today. What is the promise? ‘You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.’ Can I re-echo what I was asked on the edge of Lough Neigh, (Monday 27th) ‘Have you received the Holy Spirit?’
I pray that God will create an inner desire, thirst, hunger within us to want more of God, to know what it truly means to be filled so that in whatever capacity we may function within the Church we seek to do it under the Holy Spirit’s anointing.
O God of burning cleansing flame:
Send the fire!
Your blood-bought gift today we claim:
Send the fire today!
Look down and see this waiting host,
And send the promised Holy Ghost;
We need another Pentecost!
Send the fire today!
Send the fire today!
God of Elijah, hear our cry:
Send the fire!
And make us fit to live or die:
Send the fire today!
To burn up every trace of sin,
To bring the light and glory in,
The revolution now begin!
Send the fire today!
Send the fire today!
It’s fire we want, for fire we plead:
Send the fire!
The fire will meet our every need:
Send the fire today!
For strength to always do what’s right,
For grace to conquer in the fight,
For power to walk the world in white:
Send the fire today!
Send the fire today!
To make our weak hearts strong and brave:
Send the fire!
To live, a dying world to save:
Send the fire today!
Oh, see us on Your altar lay,
We give our lives to you today,
So crown the offering now we pray:
Send the fire today!
Send the fire today!
Send the fire today!
William Booth CCLI 788682