
Daily Devotion August 7th


John 10:1-18

NIV (v7) ‘Therefore Jesus said again, Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep.’

ESV (v7) ‘So Jesus again said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.’

We have our third ‘I am’ statement in this portion of Scripture today, plus the fourth in v11 which we will consider tomorrow.

Here Jesus is identifying himself as the door (ESV) or gate (NIV) in the context of this chapter he is not only the Shepherd of the sheep, but also the gate or door or entrance into the sheepfold.

We could bring a number of different lessons from these verses, but for today I want to link it to what Jesus says later in John 14:6 when he says that he is ‘the way, and the truth, and the life. NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME.’ He is the only door or gate or entrance into heaven. There is no other way, there is no other door, there is no other gate, there is no other entrance.

I have always been a fan of cars, and from an early age, probably from about age eleven I would go every year to the Motor Show that was held in Earls Court, London and then latterly at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham, for Earls Court my grandfather would take my older brother and myself by coach from Hereford. Once it had moved to the NEC, I would go by myself. One year, I decided to let the train take the strain, and arrived at the exhibition centre, not sure of the way to get in and I had a bit of difficulty finding the entrance. Eventually, I found a doorway that took me down some stairs and through a corridor. I was then faced with another door. I opened the door and walked through it and there I was in the main exhibition hall! I thought to myself, how as that happened, I have got in without paying, without going through any ticket entrance, I was in for free. I decided to speak to a security guy, and said to him what had happened, explaining that somehow I had stumbled upon a way to get in without paying, he replied don’t worry about it, enjoy your day!

There are many who are trying to get into heaven their own way, through works or personal merit, through religion, through religious fervour and practise, but unlike my stumbling upon an entrance into the show, they will never be able to stumble into heaven, there are no backdoors, no holes in the fence, no short cuts, there is only one way and it through the Lord Jesus Christ, it is by the way of the cross. There is some good news though, and just as I got into the show for free, so also the cost has been paid for our entrance into heaven, the one who said he was the door has also paid the price, by laying his life down for the sheep.

The hymn writer reminds us that the one who is the gate was also the one who unlocks the gate! ‘There was no other good enough, to pay the price of sin, he only could unlock the gate of heaven and let us in.

Have you come to Jesus, have you come through him, to receive all the benefits that come from knowing him as Saviour and Lord? Remember he is the only way into heaven.

We return to the same chapter again tomorrow.

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