
Devotion November 28th

THURSDAY November 28th


John 14:6 ‘Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”’


‘I am the way’


As we consider this first part of the statement that Jesus has made, ‘I am the way’, I want to consider Jesus not just as ‘the way’, which is to do with how we can get to the Father, but also consider the way in which he would make the access to the Father possible, for this second aspect was essential for him to be the way.


In saying ‘I am the way’ Jesus is saying that he is the only One who can make access to the Father possible, clarified by the words ‘except through me’.


Now we must never apologise for saying that we believe what Jesus is saying, and we must never shy away from declaring it, for as I mentioned yesterday, we live in a world where men and women are being offered or presented so many various options, other alternatives to enable them to get to heaven. Religions, and there are around 4,000 different religions around the world, (Source the internet) there are those who we would consider as cults, Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses etc.


But if what they teach does not include Jesus and Jesus only, and what he has done by going to Calvary as the way to the Father, then they are leading men and women up the garden path, to a dead end. It doesn’t matter how well they might package things up, how pleasant they may seem to be in the way they present what they are saying, the end result will be bitter, for those who follow them will never ever have access to the Father.


So, Jesus is the way, the only way, but what was the way in which he would demonstrate or prove that he was the way, well in the words of a song we have the answer but remember the words of the song are based upon Scripture.


The way of the cross leads home,

The way of the cross leads home,

It is sweet to know, as I onward go,

The way of the cross leads home.


The way of the cross, firstly this was the way that Jesus needed to go, to the cross to make the entrance or the way into heaven available to you and me. Then you and I need to come to the cross and believe by faith what Jesus has done for each one of us, and recognise that he made the way because he is the way and in the words of the song say:


I must needs go home by the way of the cross,

there’s no other way but this:


When we consider Jesus as the way, we cannot and must not separate it from the message of the cross. For this is the only way, the only means of your salvation and mine, and the only way, the only means for us to be able to get to heaven.