THURSDAY June 13th
Ephesians 1:21
‘. . .far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.’
Paul continues to remind us that Christ was not only raised from the dead, ascended and exalted, but that he is ‘far above all rule and authority and power and dominion’. He holds the highest place, the highest honour, the highest name, the highest position of power!
This is our Saviour! This is our Redeemer! This is our Lord! This is the one whom we are looking for as our coming King, who promised that he would come again, so that we who believe may be with him forever.
Yes, we see the power of almighty God at work in creation, just look up at the splendour of the heavens, look around you at the splendour and the beauty of the birds, the trees and the flowers, see it as we see the rolling hills and the mighty sea as it splashes its waves upon the beaches, we see it at work in the sustaining of all he has created, we see it at work in a thousand and one other ways, but surely, we rejoice in that his power has been at work and is still at work in bringing about our eternal redemption. His power which raised Christ from the dead, working in our hearts and in our lives making us to become more like Christ every day.
But let’s keep reminding ourselves that as we see so much going on all around us today that speaks against God, which rejects the authority and the rule of God, which seeks to push God aside and fill the void with anything and everything else, that he is still in control, his power is unstoppable, and everyone who seeks to reject his word, his ways and his wonderful work of redemption will one day have to bow the knee and confess ‘that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father’.
God is never going to go away, it would be an impossibility, for he is omnipresent, we cannot flee from his presence, but if you are reading this devotion and you have rejected God, or you continue to reject God, it doesn’t stop him from existing, he always has been and he always will be, and although at this moment of time he offers you salvation through the powerful message of the cross, one day that opportunity will come to an end, but the sad thing is this, if you have rejected him now, in the present, when the moment comes when you will be found standing before him on the day of judgment he will turn to you and say ‘Depart from me, I never knew you.’ You will be eternally separated from the presence of God, and it will have been your choice, for today he offers you salvation. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.