Ephesians 1:19–20
‘. . .and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places’
As we continue to consider this incredible power that has been made available to us, Paul says that it was not only demonstrated in the tomb, by the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, but it was also demonstrated by the very fact that after being raised, God seated Christ at his right hand in the heavenly places. I recall a song we used to sing ‘Far above all, far above all, God has exalted him far above all, crown him as Lord, at his feet humbly fall, God has exalted him, far above all.’
This verse reminds us that there is a man in the glory and his name is Jesus! And such was the power of God at work in him while he walked this world as a man, he sinned not, such was the power of God he could go to the cross to be the unblemished sacrifice for the sins of the world, such was the power of God at work that after having died on the cross and being buried, that death had no hold on him, ‘death could not keep it’s prey, Jesus my Saviour, he tore the bars away, Jesus my Lord . . . up from the grave he arose’. And such was the power of God, he ascended back into the presence of God as the one who had conquered death, defeated Satan and provided salvation for all who would believe and when he sat down at the right hand of God, he was given the name that is above every name, he has been declared and still is and always will be Lord! See the power of God at work meant that absolutely nothing was going to stop, prevent, or destroy that which God had purposed to do, way before even the foundation of the world was laid.
Recently I purchased a top that across the front has the word ‘Unstoppable’.
God’s power is such that it is unstoppable, God is unstoppable, he will do all that he has decreed and no one nor nothing will stop him. The resurrection and exaltation of Jesus is the proof we have. And the wonder is this, he makes his power available to each one of us who believes. Therefore, as we come to be filled with and to keep being filled with the Spirit, with his power we also should be unstoppable!