
Devotion March 21st

THURSDAY March 21st

Romans 8:12

‘So then, brothers, (and sisters) we are debtors not to the flesh. To live according to the flesh’.

So far as we have been navigating through Romans 8 we have discovered that in coming to know Christ, we are no longer under condemnation, we have been set free from the law of sin and death, we have had our minds set upon the things of the Spirit, we have the Spirit of life dwelling in us, we have been settled into the family of God, and we need to learn to trust God as we suffer in this life, knowing that he has prepared a spectacular future for us, in which we will be glorified with him.

I will use today a few words found in Romans 8 and verse 12 ‘So then, brothers, (and sisters) we are debtors not to the flesh. To live according to the flesh’.

Considering what we have already discovered or rediscovered we need to remind ourselves that we are not debtors to the flesh, in other words, the flesh owes us nothing! The flesh just gets us into trouble, into tight spots, the flesh is that which wars against what we should now be as those who have been born again by the Spirit of God. We who know the Lord Jesus Christ have become debtors to Christ and all that he has done for us through his Spirit! The flesh continually got us into trouble, and will get us into trouble, but the Spirit has gotten us out of trouble and as we learn to live and walk by the Spirit, he will keep us out of trouble.

One hymn says this:

A debtor to mercy alone,

Of covenant mercy I sing;

Not, fear, with God’s righteousness on,

My person and offering to bring.

The terrors of law and of God

With me can have nothing to do;

My Saviour’s obedience and blood

Hide all my transgression from view.


The work which his goodness began,

The arm of his strength will complete;

His promise is Yea and Amen,

And never was forfeited yet.

Things future, nor things that are now,

Nor all things below or above,

Can make me his purpose forgo,

Or sever my soul from his love.


My name from the palm of his hands

Eternity will not erase;

Impressed on his heart it remains,

In marks of indelible grace.

Yes, I to the end shall endure,

As sure as the earnest is given;

More happy, but not more secure,

The glorified spirits in heaven.

A M Toplady


Whenever the flesh seeks to draw you, remember you owe it nothing, keep in step with the Spirit and remember that all the glory goes to Jesus.