
Devotion February 29th

THURSDAY February 29th

1 Corinthians 15:57

‘But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.’

I have returned to the verse I closed with in the previous devotion, for I want us to note that everything that we have revelled in within this chapter and all that we are going to enjoy in heaven is all because of God and what he has done for us through our Lord Jesus Christ.

I am reminded of the line of a hymn, ‘Nothing in my hands I bring, simply to the cross I cling’.

Not one of us were able to bring anything to the table regarding our salvation, absolutely nothing, it all needed to be from God and through Jesus.


I was lost – God sent a Saviour who found me.

I was hopeless – now all my hope is in Jesus.

I was dead – but now in Christ I have been made alive.

My own righteousness was like filthy rags – His righteousness has been imputed to me.

I deserved hell – but Jesus is going to welcome me into heaven.


We could continue the list, and our response to everything we would list should be to give thanks to God from a grateful heart for the incredible victory that is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord.

I am just simply going to leave us with the words of a song today, I’ll include it in the audio version.

How can I say thanks,

For the things you’ve done for me,

Things so undeserved,

Yet you gave to prove your love to me.

The voices of a million angels,

Could not express my gratitude,

All that I am and ever hope to be,

I owe it all to thee.


To God be the glory,

To God be the glory,

To God be the glory,

For the things He has done.

With His blood, He has saved me,

With His power, He has raised me.

To God be the glory,

For the things he has done,

With His power, He has raised me.

To God be the glory,

For the things he has done.