Psalm 74
NIV (v12) – ‘But God is my King from long ago; he brings salvation on the earth.’
ESV (v12) – ‘Yet God my King is from of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth.’
If we take the NIV rendering, we see that God brings or has brought salvation on earth and then from the ESV rendering, God has and is still working salvation on earth. What an amazing God who in eternity past prepared a plan for salvation, who came stepping into time to bring the plan of salvation into reality at Calvary and has continued to work that plan of salvation in the earth through the convicting power of the Holy Spirit and granting individuals faith to believe, and who will one day bring it to its full fruition in eternity when the redeemed of the Lord, those who have received this grand and great salvation on offer will be gathered around his throne.
I am going to include the words of a hymn again today that helps us to contemplate the wonder of this grand salvation that God is working out in the earth, ever since the gospel was first proclaimed, countless numbers have heard the message and responded by faith, have been washed in the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb, and should the Lord continue to tarry, until he does come, many more will hear and respond, may we be individuals who will share the good news, the wonder of redeeming grace, so that those we know in many different ways will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus and be partakers of this the same ‘full salvation’. May we be encouraged that despite the darkness in this world, God is still saving the souls of men and women.
Full salvation! Full salvation!
Lo, the fountain opened wide,
Streams through every land and nation
From the Saviour’s wounded side.
Full salvation! Full salvation!
Streams an endless crimson tide.
Oh, the glorious revelation!
See the cleansing current flow,
Washing stains of condemnation
Whiter than the driven snow:
Full salvation! Full salvation!
Oh, the rapturous bliss to know.
Love’s resistless current sweeping
All the regions deep within;
Thought, and wish, and senses keeping
Now, and every instant, clean:
Full salvation! Full salvation!
From the guilt and power of sin.
Life immortal, Christ descending,
Lo! my heart the Spirit’s shrine:
God and man in oneness blending,
Oh, what fellowship is mine!
Full salvation! Full salvation!
Raised in Christ to life divine!
Care and doubting, gloom and sorrow,
Fear and shame are mine no more;
Faith knows naught of dark tomorrow,
For my Savior goes before:
Full salvation! Full salvation!
Full and free for evermore!