
Devotion February 7th

FRIDAY February 7th


A few weeks back on a Sunday evening I spoke from the first part of Psalm 27:1 and here I include it as our text for today:


Psalm 27:1

‘The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?’


My apologies to those who were there that evening, it hadn’t been my intention to go down this route, but I am going to use some of what I shared on that occasion in this devotion—and a few devotions that follow as it fits in with my devotional theme, so bear with me!


In our previous devotion I mentioned that Jesus was the subject of the Old Testament, and especially we see it in the prophetic declarations of the prophet Isiah, and one is from Isaiah 7:14 ‘Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.’


When I was speaking on that Sunday evening, I suggested that because Jesus is God with us, that is he is Emmanuel, (Immanuel) then when we read verses such as our text from Psalm 27:1, as we read the words ‘The Lord is my’, we can also read it as ‘Jesus is my’.


And so over the next few devotions I will take us through some of these statements that are found in the Psalms, and we should get an even bigger picture concerning who Jesus is and what he as the eternal Son of God has become to each one of us.


I mentioned on that Sunday evening, that the words ‘The LORD is’ are good for they tell us something about who God is, but by having the word ‘MY’ added the statement become more personal. ‘The LORD is’ could speak of God as being afar off, distant, but when we say, ‘The LORD is MY’, or ‘Jesus is MY’, it speaks of the closeness of God, the nearness of God has he has come to us through his Son.


I also suggested that evening that if you can make the time to begin to write a list down of all that Jesus has become to you since you have come to know him as your Saviour. And I guarantee that however long the list you may write down may be, he will still be far more than we can ever imagine. He is such a wonderful Saviour.


We will consider some of these things as we continue next week.