TUESDAY December 3rd
John 14:6 ‘Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”’
‘. . . and the life’, I am the life.
Life, we all love to see signs of life, be it a baby that has just been welcomed into a family, the sign of bulbs breaking through the soil after a long cold winter, the lambs that jump around the fields in the spring time and we could list so many other things, but the sad reality is that a baby is born a sinner and therefore is destined to die, the bulbs will last but a month or two and they will fade away, and the lambs, well I leave you to think about the fate that awaits them.
Life seems to be so fragile, and it would seem to be temporal. But then as we think of all the negatives, we come across this amazing verse of scripture that reminds us that the One who is the way, and the truth is also the life!
He has come as the One who is the source of life to reverse that which seems temporal into an eternal reality. Now, of course I am not thinking of the bulbs here, nor the lambs, but more particularly about the baby. For scripture says that we are all born in sin and shapen in iniquity, it also says that the wages of sin is death, but thanks be to God a plan was afoot way even before the creation of the world to enable that which would be ruined as a result of sin to be overturned and the death sentence removed and the gift of God to be given which was to be eternal life.
And this life can only be received because of the One who himself is life, and willingly giving himself up as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world. Jesus came and Jesus died so that we may have life, eternal life, life in all its fulness.
We have already seen that Jesus had declared that he was the resurrection and the life, and he knew even before he went to Calvary that even though he would die, he would not be kept captive to death, that God would not allow him to see corruption, but that when the greatest of all transactions was over with, he would be raised again. And what an awful way in which he did suffer and die, and we need to remind ourselves it was not for anything that he had done, but rather because he was willing to take upon himself our sins and our sorrows, the things that we had done that had offended God, he was willing to take on our behalf the wrath that we deserved from God, so that as he bore it all, we could receive life eternal.
We declare on the authority of the word of God and the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ that eternal life can only be ours through the Lord Jesus Christ.
On the basis of this verse, he is truth, therefore what he has spoken is the truth, therefore he is the only way to the Father, there is no other way, for the life that we all need to be able to dwell in the eternal abode is only available through Jesus as the One who is not only life, but is also the only One who has made it available to all who will believe.
There is life for a look at the Crucified One,
There is life at this moment for thee.
Then look, sinner, look unto Him and be saved,
Unto him who was nailed on the tree.
Look, look, look and live.
There is life for a look at the Crucified One,
There is life at this moment for thee.
For any who may find this devotion on the internet, if you are looking toward something else or someone else for eternal salvation, I remind you that Jesus is the only way, Jesus is the only truth, Jesus is the only source for eternal life, ‘And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.’ Acts 4:12