
Devotion December 2nd

MONDAY December 2nd


John 14:6 ‘Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”’


‘. . . and the truth’, I am the truth. I have returned to this again for this devotion, because when it comes to truth, we see it as also being the opposite to error and to falsehood. That which is non-genuine.


I used the words in the previous devotion that Jesus is the real deal, and as I mentioned when we considered the words ‘the way’, that there are many who would seek to present a way, but the way they present is not genuine, the so called way that they show will lead to a dead end and so it is the same when we consider truth, there are many who seek to present something as truth, but it is far from it, or at the least a distortion of the truth.


We read in scripture that the enemy of our souls is subtle, and we see his subtlety in the way that he deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, we see how he continues to deceive so many today, through his deception and distortion of truth.


We need to keep reminding ourselves that real and genuine truth is found in Jesus, for he came from God who is the God of truth. This is also a good time to remind ourselves that his word, that is the written word, the Bible is also truth, ‘The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever’, Psalm 119:160 now this is from the quill of David, but what did Jesus who is the truth have to say about scripture, it is in John 17:17 ‘Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth’, therefore if we believe that Jesus is the truth, then we also accept that he speaks the truth and this then should give us total confidence that if Jesus has said it then God’s word is truth, totally dependable and reliable.


Let us be careful that we do not allow any of the confusion that is prevalent in our world today side track us and cause us to lose our way, but ensure that we keep close to Jesus, keep our steps in the way and our hearts in tune to the truth, for as we will see in the next devotion, this is essential to receive life that is eternal.