TUESDAY September 24th
Psalm 104:34
‘My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD.’ (KJV)
A few weeks back, Elaine and I took a friend out to have a bite to eat and a drink. I had a coffee, Elaine and the friend had tea. Now we don’t take sugar in our drinks, and I just assumed the friend didn’t either and we sat down. He quickly told me he needed sweetener, so I went and got one which I gave to him. He gave me a look and I thought I had got the wrong one, then he said to me, ‘Only one, I need at least three of these’, so I quickly returned and got a few more. I cannot drink sweet tea or coffee (although if the coffee is very strong, I may add a little sugar) but some like the friend, prefer it sweetened up.
Well, there is one thing for sure, we all need to have our lives sweetened up, and what better way to do it than to allow Jesus to come into our lives, and not only to sweeten us up but to clean us up as well. And there is no doubt that Jesus is the one who everyone needs, yet just as I don’t want my tea or coffee sweetened up, so many don’t want their lives sweetened up, they have decided they can manage without Jesus—or at least they think they can manage without Jesus. It is our responsibility to make sure that we live our lives in such a way that others will see that Jesus has made such a difference that they too will want to come to know him.
Going back to the tea and coffee, once added, the sugar or sweetener needs stirring up, perhaps we need to allow Jesus to be stirred up in our lives, to sweeten us up more so that the world will see him.
Yes, Jesus, the very thought of thee, with sweetness fills my breast, and I long, I want, I desire, that others too will know the sweetness of Jesus in their lives and that they will see his sweetness reflected through me. Going back to the tea and the friend, ‘I need at least three of these’, well, when it comes to Jesus, I need more of him, not in spoonful quantities but barrel full quantities in my life, not only to sweeten me up, but that I may enjoy the sweetness of who he really is.
In the words of another song
‘Every day with Jesus, is sweeter than the day before’. We don’t need to fill up our lives with the rubbish of this world, we need to fill them up with Jesus.