
Devotion September 6th

FRIDAY September 6th


Revelation 14:13

‘And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labours, for their deeds follow them!”’


I mentioned previously that I would return to these verses again, for although my personal belief is that they are referring to those who die in the Lord during the tribulation, they also hold truth that is applicable to those who die in the Lord prior to the time of the second coming of the lord Jesus. Simply put we will be ‘blessed’ and at rest.


As I think back to everyone I have known that had put their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus and yet have died, the one thing that has helped me, in particular when thinking of those who have been close to me, such as my grand-parents, my parents and others, is the fact that they have now rested from their labours, the struggles of life are over and although their bodies are awaiting the day of the resurrection, their souls have gone into the presence of their Saviour.


What a comfort our faith in Jesus is to us. We are not only saved in the here and the now, but as we remain faithful to him, we will be saved for eternity. We truly are a ‘blessed’ people even before we get to see and receive all the wonderful blessings that have been prepared for us in heaven.


I am simply going to leave this devotion with a challenge to all. Firstly, to those who have come to faith, where do you stand regarding the living out your life changing relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Are you really living your Christian life to your full potential. When the time comes to leave this world, will the verdict given be well done or will you (and I challenge myself as well) stand before him ashamed that we failed to live as we truly should have lived.


Secondly to any that may never have given your life to the Lord Jesus Christ, first to you, there is no other way by which you can be saved and come to know forgiveness of sins and eternal life, second, in failing to come to faith, you will not be welcomed into the presence of Jesus, you will never know what it is to know what it is to be ‘blessed’ in his eternal home, but instead you will hear the words ‘Depart from me, I never knew you’. The choice is yours, for God has made the way of salvation available to all who believe, by rejecting, you are making your own choice. Today choose Jesus, choose life.