FRIDAY July 12th
Over the last few weeks, we have considered some of the prayers that Paul had made for the believers both at Ephesus and Philippi. But beside praying for them, he also made request that they would pray for him! Remember back in Philippians 1, he talked about the partnership that they enjoyed together in the gospel, and a part of that partnership would have included prayer for one another, Paul for them and them for Paul.
One of Paul’s requests for prayer that readily comes to my mind is found in Ephesians chapter 6 after he has gone through the armour of God, he continues to say that after having put it on to be ‘praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication’. He then continues to say, ‘making supplication for all the saints’, and then in verse 19 ‘and also for me’. He wanted that the Ephesian church would pray for him, and the prayer was to be that he would be given the words when opening his mouth to boldly proclaim the mystery of the gospel.
You would think that with all that he had already accomplished in his preaching of the gospel, that surely, he never lacked boldness! But here in Ephesians chapter 6, he is writing as a prisoner because of his preaching of the gospel, but he wanted that in his difficult situation, he may continue to boldly preach, and sensitively, the right words, at the right time, so that as he continued to speak it would be as an ambassador of the gospel.
Now, if you can remember back to April 29th I commenced this series of devotions as looking at some of the writings of Paul, which had been a spin off from my looking at the life and ministry of Paul which we commenced way back in November 2023, and one of the key verses was that at the time of his conversion, the Lord commissioned him to ‘carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel’ and that he was going to suffer for the sake of the name of Christ. And Paul certainly did carry the name of Jesus, Paul certainly did suffer for the name of Jesus, more than we can ever think or imagine, therefore it is no wonder he still needs to ask for prayer that he may continue to speak the gospel boldly.
I am pretty sure that if I went around everyone and asked what it is that I could specifically pray for you, I would get a variety of different needs, but I wonder how many, if any would say ‘Pray that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel’. Well, take it as being a request for me, and as Paul asked the churches to pray for him, I ask that you pray for me, as your pastor. I appreciate it for I need your prayers, not only for the boldness to proclaim the gospel, but for me to fulfil the God given responsibility of caring for you, the Church under my care.
Now, where to next? I am going to stay here in Ephesians chapter 6, and we will look at verses 10-20 and the armour of God in more detail.