
Devotion February 23rd

FRIDAY February 23rd

1 Corinthians 15:50

‘I tell you this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.’

Paul is making this statement to the believers, and in doing so he is reaffirming what he has just written to them concerning the resurrection body.

Now, although he writes it to the ‘brothers’, it needs also to be said to the unbelieving world. ‘Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God nor does the imperishable inherit the imperishable’.

People need reminding that there is only way to enter the kingdom of God, it is not through our own effort, it is not through works, it is not even possible through any other religion, it is only possible through accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour, he is the one that made open the way, to give us access into the presence of God. And he made the way possible by coming into this world as a man and he alone has died for our sins, was buried and rose again on the third day, he alone can forgive sin, he alone can grant eternal life, he alone is coming again for those who have believed in him and he alone is going to raise by the power of the Spirit all those who have died with a personal faith in him. NO one else and no other way.

So anyone who is trusting in anyone but Jesus, anything but Jesus and anything they have done instead of Jesus will never ever know what it is to be raised imperishable, raised in glory, raised in power, and raised a spiritual body, and be found eternally in the presence of God, instead they will be raised to stand before the great white throne, and the verdict will be that they will face the second death, the lake of fire, from which there will never ever be any respite or hope of recovery.

This is serious, and yet sadly so many consider it as foolishness or nonsense, they reject the gospel, they reject the good news of salvation, they reject the only way to make peace with God, they choose to continue in sin and will never unless they repent enjoy all that God has prepared for those that love him.

To all who read the devotions, or listen to the audio version, where do you stand regarding these things? It was to Nicodemus that Jesus said ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.’