
Devotion December 22nd


Revelation 3:20

NIV (v20) ‘Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.’

ESV (v20) ‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.’

I wonder how busy we have been with all our Christmas preparations, making sure that we have written all the cards, making sure we have got the right gifts ready for those we are giving to, the tree decorated and taking a prominent place in the hallway or living room, the food shopping done, the baking perhaps taking place, the lights up inside and maybe outside, and no, it wasn’t the drive to my house that Iain portrayed while speaking in the family service the other day! We will all have been busy in some way, making sure that everything is ready for when the day arrives and the guests come to join with us for the festivities, we will want to ensure that a good time is had by all.

Preparation is so important, for how well we prepare will determine the outcome we get.

When it came to that first Christmas morning, the night that Christ was born, God had it all prepared, not just a few weeks or months before, but even before time began, way back in eternity past he had redemptions story all worked out, he knew exactly what he was going to do and exactly when he would do it, and how he would do it, and no matter what anyone or anything tried to do, they would not be able to stop it, and because God had prepared and planned well, the outcome is absolutely phenomenal. The birth of this One, who was the eternal Son of God was going to lead to the defeat of the enemy of our souls, it was going to lead to the means of our eternal redemption, it was going to lead to the sting of sin, which is death being taken away, and the power of sin, the law being broken, it was going to lead to an incredible victory over all that was opposed to God and to his right to rule.

As we draw close to this another day in which we celebrate the birth of Christ, in all your preparations, don’t leave Jesus out, make sure now, determine in your heart today that during this season you will make ample room for him, time to worship him, time to give thanks to him, time to honour him, time to commune with him,  and if you are reading this devotion and you have never partook of the amazing victory that he has provided at Calvary, that is you have never opened up your heart to him and allowed him to become your Saviour and Lord, make room for him today allow him to come and dwell in your life.

Room for Jesus, King of glory,

Hasten now, his word obey,

Swing the heart’s door widely open,

Bid him enter while you may.


The Saviour is waiting to enter your heart,

Why don’t you let Him come in?

There’s nothing in this world to keep you apart,

What is your answer to Him?

Time after time He has waited before,

And now He is waiting again

To see if you’re willing to open the door:

O how He wants to come in.

If you’ll take one step toward the Saviour, my friend,

You’ll find His arms open wide;

Receive Him, and all of your darkness will end,

Within your heart He’ll abide.

Time after time He has waited before,

And now He is waiting again

To see if you’re willing to open the door:

O how He wants to come in.