
Devotion December 9th


Psalm 102

NIV (v15) ‘The nations will fear the name of the LORD, all the kings of the earth will revere your glory.’

ESV (v15) ‘Nations will fear the name of the LORD, and all the kings of the earth will fear your glory.’

This is another of those psalms that remind us of the fragility of life (v3,11) but also compares it with the eternality of God (v12,26) but the verse I want to consider is verse 15 that speak of a day that is to come when the nations will fear the name of the LORD and all the kings of the earth will revere his glory. It is a verse that is speaking of the time when Jesus will return to earth and establish his kingdom in Jerusalem, from there he will reign for the thousand-year period we call the Millennium. And during that time the nations will have no option but to fear the name of the Lord and the kings will have no option but to fear his glory, it will be a time on earth like there has never been before since the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden, for during this time the devil will be bound and the whole earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord.

Recently while we were in New York, during one of the many walks that we made we walked past the United Nations Headquarters, we know that one of the purposes or intentions of this organisation was to seek to establish peace in the world following the conflicts of the two world wars, but with all the money spent and all the effort put into their endeavours, they have not yet succeeded in bringing about global peace, nor global security. And they will not, for there is only one who will be able to do this, and his name is Jesus, he is called the Prince of Peace, he is the one that gives a peace that the world cannot give, and a peace that the world cannot take away, and one day he is going to descend from heaven and his feet will touch down on Mount Olivet and at that moment he will establish his throne in Jerusalem, yes, I believe in the future Millennial reign of Christ on earth, a kingdom which the Church will not establish through Christianizing the world, but a kingdom that Jesus himself will establish on that day when he comes again in power and glory, and it will be a kingdom of peace, you can read more about this in Zechariah 14:1-9 and Revelation 20:1-6. Isaiah 11 indicates the harmony that will be found during this time.