Psalm 101
NIV (v2) ‘I will be careful to lead a blameless life—when will you come to me?
I will conduct the affairs of my house with a blameless heart.’
ESV (v2) ‘I will ponder the way that is blameless. Oh when will you come to me? I will walk with integrity of heart within my house.’
This psalm is full of ‘I will’ statements, in the ESV there are eight listed, statements that are declarations that the author is making as a result of his decision to walk in integrity before the LORD God, verse 2 says ‘I will walk with integrity of heart within my house’, this should be the desire of everyone of us who have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, not just integrity within the house or the home, that means we have integrity in all we do, our marriage, our families, our domestic affairs, but we should also desire to walk with integrity of heart in every matter, work, pleasure, and church, integrity in the material and the spiritual.
As I read this psalm and looked at the statements the psalmist has made, I see very clearly a good formula for us to live by, particularly verse 3 stood out, ‘I will not set my eyes before anything that is worthless’. Wow, surely in the age in which we live this is a challenge to us all, we have so much that can grab our attention and cause our eyes to be turned towards, in the abundance of multi-media, TV, Sky, internet, smart-phones, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc. newspapers and magazines, everything grabbing for our attention, the challenge is how much of our time is spent allowing our eyes to be turned towards anything that is worthless? How much time do we spend in what could be called wasted moments rather than to be edifying ourselves spiritually, how much time do we give to turn our eyes towards the Lord, towards his Word, towards all the provision that is made available for us to grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord?
May God helps us to look into our own lives and if we need, to rearrange our lives in such a way that we ensure that our eyes are turned away from worthless things towards that which has impact for eternity.