
Devotion November 25th


Psalm 93

NIV – (v5) ‘Your statutes, LORD, stand firm; holiness adorns your house for endless days.’

ESV – (v5) ‘Your decrees are very trustworthy; holiness befits your house, O LORD, forevermore.’

This short psalm is a very definite declaration that the LORD reigns. It doesn’t matter how hard anyone or anything else, be it the principalities and powers of darkness, man himself, authorities, rulers of the earth, or anything else that has been created, nothing will ever overthrow Almighty God, he reigns forever. The devil tried but failed miserably, and we know what his end will be, how stupid he was to even attempt to arise and be greater than the one who is eternally the greatest, eternally the enthroned One.

The LORD reigns, this gives us a confidence assurance that what he has declared or decreed will always come to pass, for as the eternally enthroned One he will be faithful in all that he says and does, for the psalmist concludes in his final statement that ‘Your decrees are very trustworthy’ The Lord is a King whom we can depend upon, he is the King who is trustworthy, he is the King whom we can trust upon confidently.

For us who have placed our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ we have confidence in all that God has promised for those who love him, but for those who have not placed their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, because God will always do what he has decreed, the news is not good, for the day is coming when all who have not come to acknowledge Jesus as Saviour, and as such will also have refused to acknowledge God as King will be banished from his presence. It is straight forward, accept the rule of God now and enjoy his presence for ever or fail to acknowledge his rule now and be banished forever.

Because Gods decrees are very trustworthy there is no reason to doubt him, and there is certainly no reason to ignore, for you ignore at your peril. God has provided a means for eternal redemption, and it is through the Lord Jesus Christ and we while are here for the short space of time that we have in this world we need to make a determined decision to surrender our lives over to him. To allow the Eternal King to be our personal King. He reigns, he is robed in majesty, will you allow him to reign in your life.