
Daily Devotion February 20th


Today is a day to pause and have reflection. I will share a verse from Psalm 116:12, ‘What shall I render to the LORD for all his benefits to me?’

As we have gone through the first 40 psalms over the last few weeks, they remind us of so much of what the Lord has done for us, what he is doing for us and what he yet has in store for us. His granary is full, full to bursting with the many blessings which he has prepared to bestow upon those who trust in him.

In farming one of the important tasks of the farmer in the summer months is to ensure that there will be plenty of hay, silage etc stored up ready to feed the livestock during the winter months, for the farmer is never sure of when the winter will arrive and for how long it may last. It may be a good winter, on the other hand it may be a long, hard, and cold winter where the reserves will need to last longer.

It matters not in many ways whether the winter is short or long, the important thing is for the farmer to be prepared. There is a sense in which we all hit the pandemic completely unprepared, no one knew how long it would grip the nations of the world, and even now, nearly twelve months later we still do not know, and because we were unprepared we have had to muddle along, the governments of the world have had to muddle along, seeking to find the best way to move forward and to come out of it. But even though we were caught out, individually and nationally and world-wide, God was not caught out, and even though this pandemic has seemed to be like what a long hard winter would feel like to the farmer, God was not caught out and even before the pandemic arrived, the storehouse of heaven was full, fully prepared for the pandemic and from out of his granary, God has never failed in any way to bless, he has continued to pour his blessings upon the Church and upon his people throughout this period. And even though he has been pouring out, his granary is still full.

I said it is a day to pause and for reflection – spend some time today considering the faithfulness in God’s provision toward us, yes some days have been dark, many days we may have felt lonely, even we could say frustrated, but God has not failed, he has still provided, through our limited fellowship, through his word, through the videos, etc. And just as the cattle and sheep would receive a fresh supply of hay or silage in the morning from the farmer, even on the coldest and darkest of the winter days, so also God has fed us with our daily bread, both physically and spiritually.

‘What shall I render to the LORD for all his benefits to me?’ This is a question therefore it demands an answer, I will bring the answer from the words of David himself, ‘Praise the LORD, all nations! Extol him, all peoples! For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD! . . . Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!’ (Psalm 117:1–118:1)

That is the answer, praise the LORD, give thanks for his faithfulness and his steadfast love. 

Reflect today on the mercies of God, they are new every morning, great is thy faithfulness and give thanks.

Tomorrow we will move into the New Testament and the book of Hebrews.

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