
Daily Devotion Dec 15th


Philippians 4:8-9

NIV (v8) – ‘Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.’

ESV (v8) – ‘Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.’

This verse must be connected to what Paul has written before it and therefore means that one of the ways to ensure that we have peace in our hearts and our minds is to think about right things and Paul lists what those right things are.

We spend a lot of our time thinking even without realising it! And we can choose to think on negative issues and dwell on them or on positive issues, good things.

The negative will bring us to a place of despondency, the positive will bring us to a place of victory. Now, I don’t mean here what is the teaching of some streams of the error strewn ‘Word of faith’ movement that we have the power to positively think things into being, or by negatively speaking out something that it will happen. As an example I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease back in 2013 after years of struggling with illness and not getting to the source of what it was, within a couple of years of diagnosis I had to have major bowel surgery to attempt to deal with it, but immediately afterwards the Crohn’s returned and I remember saying to somebody in the Church, that the Crohn’s was back, and that person immediately responded, ‘You shouldn’t have said that, it’s a negative thought, you should be declaring ‘I don’t have Crohn’s’, be positive about it instead of negative. The problem is that if I did what he had told me to do, I would have fallen into sin, because by saying ‘I don’t have Crohn’s’ I would have been lying! So that persons ‘positive’ to me was a ‘negative’! The evidence was clear, the colonoscopy clearly showed Crohn’s riddling my bowel again. See we must be truthful about the reality of our circumstances, lying about it under the guise of ‘positive thinking’ is not the way to be, instead we can think positively about it in different ways, yes, I can believe positively that although the Crohn’s has returned, that if he wills God can heal me, and I believe that, but if healing doesn’t take place, then God will give me the grace and strength required to live with it, that is positive thinking. And so far, God has never failed me, his grace and strength have constantly been made available toward me. It is nothing but a miracle that I am still able to do so much as what I am able to do, because of God’s grace, that’s positive thinking and a positive outcome, having a positive attitude because of God’s presence in the midst of the ongoing battle. Can I add this, God does not always take us out of our trial, but he will always be with us to take us through. I read this comment some time ago, God does not always remove our mountains, sometimes he wants us to go around them!

I wonder how many of us (and I think I may have mentioned this before) lie awake at night and we think about things and for some reason it always seems to make things worse than what they really are. We wake the next morning and think, why ever did I worry so much about it, it is at those times we need to learn to turn our thoughts away from the negative to the positive, we need to redirect our mind towards thinking about other things, things more positive, more encouraging, more peace educing. When it happens to me, and it does, I often just turn my mind to the Word of God and begin to meditate upon it, in fact those moments are quite often the moments when God begins to plant something in my heart to prepare for future ministry.

‘Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.’

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