
Daily Devotion Dec 14th


Philippians 4:5-7

NIV (v7) – ‘And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.’

ESV (v7) – ‘And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.’

Yesterday we learned that we can rejoice in the midst of our circumstances because the Lord is at hand, he is ready as it were to act on our behalf, we could spend a devotion just on this thought, as a few examples he is at hand ready to bind up the broken hearted, he is at hand ready to impart strength to the weak, he is at hand to shine light into the darkness, he is at hand to impart peace into confusion. He is exactly as David said, the Shepherd ready to move us into green pasture, to provide the still waters, to restore the soul, to prepare a table in the midst of our enemies, to walk alongside us through the valley of death, and to take us by the hand and bring us into the eternal home he has been preparing for us.  In Jesus own words, ‘I will never leave you or forsake you’. (Hebrews 13:5 see also Deuteronomy 31:6, 31:8, Joshua 1:5, 1 Samuel 12:22)

In our text today we have the wonderful assurance concerning the peace of God:

It transcends all understanding

It will guard your heart

It will guard your mind

In Christ Jesus.

First to know this peace we need to be ‘in Christ Jesus’ and we are placed in Christ Jesus through the new birth experience, and being placed in Christ Jesus means that we have been placed into a position of salvation, safety and serenity.

Salvation means we have peace with God, safety means we have peace during conflict and serenity mean we have peace within ourselves which should be extended in our relationships towards others.

Remember what Pastor Peter Vincent reminded us when he shared God’s word in the video a few weeks ago, that this peace is ‘shalom’ which is ‘things being exactly as God intends them to be.’ We know what God intended things to be by going back to the Garden of Eden where everything was in perfect harmony, their were no wild animals, all the animal kingdom lived in harmony, and man could have just slept peacefully and safely alongside the lion or tiger, there was harmony between the man and the woman, and there was harmony between man and God, so much so that God came down in the cool of the evening and had fellowship with Adam and Eve, it must have been amazing, but Adam and Eve  blew it when they chose to ignore the instruction God had given them and yielded to the lies of Satan, and the harmony was broken, the peace was shattered, and things became the opposite to what God intended. But thank God he had a plan which he put into effect which was to bring peace again through the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, and so peace is available between man and God, as a result we can have peace with one another and the day is coming when their will be peace again in the animal kingdom when the lamb will be safe to lie down with the wolf. (Isaiah 65:25)

The good news is we can begin to enjoy that peace now, we can begin to enjoy the benefits of that peace now as we come to put our faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. We find it in Ephesians 2 where it says ‘For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility. And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father.’ (vv14-18) Peace with God, peace in ourselves and peace with one another.

The peace the world talks about is a fragile peace, it is peace that can be gone in an instant, it is a peace that fluctuates according to the mood of the nations, the peace that God gives is a perfect peace, a perpetual peace and a purposeful peace, perfect in that it comes from a perfect God, perpetual in that it is constant and never changing and purposeful because it achieves what it had set out to do, to bring peace that is real, peace that is permanent.

The wonder of this peace is as Paul says, it will guard our hearts and our minds. The devil loves to attack us in both of these areas, the mind, our thoughts, our desires and our emotions, he would love to mess us up in these areas of our lives, but as we stay close to Jesus, and we cannot get any closer than to be found in him, in Christ, then we can know his peace to enable us to fend off, to fight the wrong thoughts and desires and to remain in a place of peace and harmony in our relationships, first toward God, secondly toward ourselves and then toward others.

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