Esther isn’t a very long book, consider reading through it today.
There is a well-known verse in the book of Esther that reads; ‘. . . and who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?’ (Esther 4:14) We have probably all heard sermons around this verse, I have preached around it myself. It was a specific word for a specific person at a specific time. In other words, it talks about God’s perfect timing in every situation. Just at the right time when it was needed God raised Esther to intervene for the Children of Israel which led to their deliverance from the plot of Haman to destroy them. In the midst of their impending doom God’s power was at work to over-rule the schemes of man and to work out his purpose. Something very similar is said about Moses in Exodus 9:16; ‘But for this purpose I have raised you up, to show you my power, so that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth.’ This Scripture is at the time of the sending of the plagues upon the nation of Egypt, through Moses obedience the power of God was going to be displayed.
We need to see a demonstration of the power of God again at this time, while the whole world is struggling with this pandemic called the Coronavirus. It is time for us as individuals, those who are born again by the Spirit of God to make ourselves available for the power of God to be demonstrated in a time such as this. It is time for the Church to awake from its slumber and to become a mighty army that God can use again to demonstrate his power in a time such as this.
We may have to be self-isolating etc. but may our prayers be powerful so that ‘in such a time as this’ God will use us individually and collectively as the Universal Church to make his power known yet again in the nations of the world. Tonight(Monday) at 7:30pm would normally be our collective prayer meeting, make some time during the hour 7:30pm – 8:30pm to spend time in prayer seeking God for one another and for his help in this crisis.
One way in which Gods power can be demonstrated is through us his children showing acts of kindness. Where it is possible during ‘such a time as this’ a time we’ve never faced before, seek ways to be able to help those around you who may be struggling at this time.
May the words of a well-known song be our prayer; ‘He is the Lord and He reigns on high – ‘Show your power, O Lord our God, Send your power, O Lord our God.’
He is the Lord and He reigns on high
He is the Lord
Spoke into the darkness, creating the Light
He is the Lord
Who is like unto Him, never ending in days
He is the Lord
And He comes in power when we call on His name
He is the Lord
Show Your power
Oh, Lord, our God
Show Your power
Oh, Lord, our God
Oh, Lord, our God
Your Gospel, oh, Lord is the hope for our nation
You are the Lord
It’s the power of God for our salvation
You are the Lord
We ask not for riches but look to the cross
‘Cause you are the Lord
And for our inheritance give us the loss
You are the Lord
Kevin Prosch © 1991 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing / Copycare CCLI788682