Devotional Thoughts for Emmanuel Pentecostal Church
Week starting Sunday March 22nd 2020
As we go through the week, spend time praying for our Church family in Emmanuel, in particular for those who are living alone. Prayer for and give thanks for those who working on the front line as it were, the prime-minister, others involved in decision making as our nation seeks to navigate its way through this crisis and in particular for the staff in the NHS who are working under very difficult circumstances.
The theme for this week will be the power of God.
Read Psalm 147
Psalm 147:5 ‘Great is our LORD, and abundant in power; his understanding is behind measure.’
The power of God is displayed and demonstrated in many ways, immediately when we open up Scripture (Genesis 1-2) we see his power displayed in his work of creating the heavens and the earth (Psalm 19:1) and at the end we see it in his re-creative work of a New heaven and a New earth. (Revelation 21:1-4)
Perhaps one of the most wonderful demonstrations of his creative power is that which falls in between in that he takes lost humanity, sinners such as us and re-creates us into new creations, born again by the power of his Spirit. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
As we go through this week in our devotions, we will look at some verses concerning God’s Power and through them I trust that our faith and confidence in God will be built up during these troublesome days in which we are living.
Thank God for his saving power, which without we would still be lost in our sin. As we commence a new week, our first in isolation as it will be for many we do so with joy in our hearts that we are new creations.
Pray that during this week we may God’s presence in a powerful way, speaking his peace into our lives and into this troubled world. ‘I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.’ (John 16:33)
Thank you for saving me;
What can I say?
You are my everything,
I will sing your praise.
You shed your blood for me;
What can I say?
You took my sin and shame,
A sinner called by name.
Great is the Lord,
Great is the Lord.
For we know your truth has set us free,
You’ve set your hope in me.
Mercy and grace are mine –
Forgiven is my sin.
Jesus my only hope,
The Saviour of the world.
‘Great is the Lord’ we cry,
‘God, let your kingdom come!’
Your word has let me see,
Thank you for saving me.
Martin Smith © 1993 Curious? Music UK / Kingsway’s Thankyou Music CCLI788682